San Antonio, TX

Monday April 26, 2004

     2:30pm  It's already Friday. No, it's not Friday. It's the day after I get out of jail. Let me recap from this morning. Let's see, this morning I woke up. I walked to the bus stop and the bus came. It sucks that all the people I bummed cigarettes from today I didn't give credit to. If they want they can email me. Anyway, last night I found out from the same cop who took me to jail, oh yeah, I ran into that guy at the hospital! I didn't recognize him at first, so I told him, "Guess where I just got out of? County jail! For criminal trespassing on a VIA bus!" He goes, "I know, I took you, remember?" Haha, it was him! I told him, "Man, thanks a lot. I had a blast! Some great chapters for my book." I told him all joking around, "I'm going to call the real police." He was laughing.

                   I'm glad I ran into him, because I found out where all my stuff was. It's at the VIA place. Oh yeah, I rode the bus to Ingram and these kids said they were going to go smoke a blunt. I walked with them to these apartments on Timberhill. They ended up getting in a fight. The guy didn't have any weed, so forget it. I caught the 82 all the way downtown. I got off over by Myrtle by the VIA station and went to the transit police office. I got my stuff back. My Triforce of Wealth is intact once more.

                   Oh yeah, I noticed the cop who took me to jail wrote on the form, "Marijuana pipe." My cigarette pinch hitter. So when I went in the transit police station I asked them, "Hey, am I going to get my marijuana pipe back? I paid taxes on that. I bought it fair and square." They told me, "Why don't we give you a ticket for the resin?" I told them, "That's Okay, I'll just go buy another one." They all searched my bag looking for the pipe. They looked at my cool fossil rock I had in my bag. They go, "Is that a crack-rock?" I told them, "No, I don't do drugs. I smoke weed." Hehe, I told the cops that. Anyway, they looked in my bag and handed it to me with all my other stuff. My stick and my water bottle. Guess what, I got my pinch-hitter back! Haha, they didn't see it! They probably thought it was a cigarette!

                   Then I went to Travis Park. It took a while before I got smoked out, but I finally did. I was showing everybody my grievance form. I told them at the care-center that I needed a lawyer. I need one that has enough balls to sue the city of San Antonio. I let the nice black lady read my form and she said to come back Wednesday at one. There's this lady who is there. I told that black lady, "I need a lawyer. Preferably a Hispanic female. And one who has enough balls to sue the city of San Antonio." She didn't have time to talk to me, but she read my grievance form. She was like, "Oh shit, this really happened?" She said to come back and they have legal aid on Wednesdays. She said it was a female attorney. Badass, things are falling into place.

                   Oh yeah, and on the ride home I got on the 92 and figured I'd just go to my mom's house and work on my webpage. I was riding the 92. Oh, that's right. Yesterday when I was getting out of jail I met this guy being released too. He told me he lived in Medical Center. I asked him, "What apartments?" He said Eagles Nest. I said, "5211 Fredericksburg, right?" Hehe, pizza man. He told me, "My apartment is 1211. Come by any time and I'll smoke you out." Today I was riding the bus and I saw Eagles Nest. Oh shit, that guy Joe. I knocked on the door and sure enough, he was home. He didn't have any weed, but he gave me a cigarette. I told him how I'm recording all my stuff. He had a little minicassette recorder too! My playback was broken on mine and I couldn't listen to my tapes. It's Olympus brand. Dude, that's exactly what I needed! I didn't record anything today because I wasn't sure where I was on, on my recordings. I didn't want to tape over anything. Joe gave me the recorder. Things happens for a reason. It seems like I got off the bus on purpose. So Joe could give me this little tape recorder. 

                   I'm happy.

                   Now I'm going to ride the bus to West Telemarketing and get smoked out.

                   Oh, and when I left Joe's house, he told me, "See you later, Victor Antonio."

                   And before I told him, "Praise Love." He said, "Oh, I get it. Instead of praise God, praise love."

                   That's right.

     2:40pm  I'm walking up Fredericksburg. Almost to Louis Pasteur now. While I was walking I noticed a little girl walking behind me. I figured I'd just stop at the next bus stop and when she walked past me I'd hit her up for a story. She comes walking by and totally ignores me. I told her, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" She starts running! Haha. I yelled at her, "I just want to tell you how I'm going to save the world! The kids are taking over soon!" She took off all running fast. "Run to your mommy!" I told her. Haha, that's funny. I should've yelled at her, "I'm going to get you!"

     2:48pm  Lynn gave me a cigarette. I was walking over by Medical and Fredericksburg by The Black Eyed Pea. Thanks Lynn. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     3:06pm  Not only did Lynn listen to my story, I'm all rambling, I'm all happy, she also gave me two cigarettes for the bus stop. Badass. I appreciate it, Lynn. Three total. I'll pay you back by bringing world peace. Sounds fair, right?

     3:17pm  I caught the 91 to West.

     4:03pm  Zack hooked me up with a cigarette and listened to my story. Here at The Rocks. I appreciate it, Zack.

     4:09pm  Zack is hooking me up with another smoke. Man, he listened to all my stuff.

     4:24pm  At the bus stop at West I got smoked out. This girl Karen went, "Hey, I know you." Karen's the lady I gave that antique couch to before I took off in the U-Haul. I'm having the greatest time.

                    I'm going to walk to the parking lot so I can get a ride to Babcock North.

     4:29pm  Eric hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the smoking cabana. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Hehe, I almost said Taco Cabana. I knew Eric from back when I lived at Vance Jackson/Huebner." Thanks for making contact.

     5:07pm  I forgot to tell you. That dude Eric gave me a ride to Babcock. I walked to Carlos' house. Nobody is home there. I ate a sandwich and a banana at Travis Park today. I'm going to walk over to Katie and Johnny's and see if they're home. I haven't seen them in a long time.

     5:13pm  I had a good presentation with some kids walking on some street in this neighborhood. Oxbow, I think it is. I saw some kids and said, "Hey, can I tell you guys a really interesting story?" This white kid told me, "No speak English." I knew he was full of shit, so I said, "¿Te puedo decir una historia muy interesante? No estoy pidiendo dinero. Namas quiero que escuches." He still walked off. Well, the third guy, he listened to me. I just finished with him right now. I'm walking. I don't know. I'm going to see if I can get lost to get to Katie and Johnny's.

     5:20pm  Johnny's senile mother was standing at the front door when I walked up. She said, "Oh, he's not here." I told her, "Can you tell them Victor came by?"

     5:36pm  I walked back across the ditch over by Carlos' house. I saw these kids sitting there and thought, "I'm going to tell them my story." I hit them up and one guy said, "You look real familiar. I've met you before, right?" He said, "Yeah, in Babcock North. I pulled up in my car." I said, "You're Rene, Air, who stole my pipe, aren't you?" He said, "No, no, but I know that dude. I was talking about him the other day. He's a punk." This is some kid who came and smoked with me out in the woods one day and he was all barefoot. Man, everybody knows me.

                   He pinched me a hit for the bus stop.

     5:48pm  Here comes the 604, cool. I was reading this Spiderman magazine I found.

     6:12pm  I just got off. I rode the 604 all the way to University Hospital. I'm going to go look for a tennis ball. My tennis ball is worn out. I'm going to go tap my resource at the hospital.

                   No tennis balls.

     6:34pm  I ran into Richard, some guy I know from West. Richard gave me two cigarettes. Thanks, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   I showed him my grievance form.

     6:57pm  I'm at the Walmart. I gave this dude Richard my full update on the bus. I can play videogames until 7:35pm. That's when the last 610 gets here.

                   I have a cigarette. I'm going to smoke it.

     7:27pm  I came out to the bus stop to smoke my cigarette and wait for the bus. The Intergalactic Superhero Rainman hooked me up. He said, "Are you hungry man? I got some Poptarts." I appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit.

     7:56pm  I just got off the 610 close to my mom's house. It's running fifteen minutes late. Right now I'm at the Citgo. That guy Rainman was cool. I could've sworn I had told him my story before because he offered me some food right off the bat. But, I hadn't. He's like that to everyone. He kept saying, "I know I'm not going to go to hell for this." He gave me some Poptarts and candy. He proved me right without me even asking.

                   I'm going to stand here until I get a cigarette and then I'm going to walk to my mom's.

                   Screw bumming a cigarette. I just found me one on the floor. Awesome. A whole one.

     10:02pm  I'm at my mom's house. My mom is on the computer as usual. She's claimed the throne. As soon as I got home. I went through all my pocket calendars since 2002 and I made a fresh phone numbers list in my composition book. I was looking through them and I found Jordan's number. I called her house and some guy answered. I said, "Is Jordan there?" He said, "No, who's this?" I told him, "This is Victor." He said, "Oh, Jordan doesn't live here anymore." Hmm, that's weird. I guess I'll email her and see what's going on.

Next day..

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