San Antonio, TX

Tuesday April 27, 2004

     11:07am  Oh shit, I just realized I was supposed to go visit Alex in jail at one. Damnit, I'm already late. This sucks, I'm all hauling ass. I walked to the bus stop. I already checked the schedule and I gotta go to Ingram.

     11:18am  Claire is hooking me up with a cigarette in front of the Citgo. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     6:12pm  I messed up. There's a pause thing on this new recorder. It sucks. The pause was down all day. I haven't been recording all day. I had a badass day. One of the things I had to do today was go get retested at the blood screening place. Oh, I needed to go see Alex, that's right. I showed up at the jail like at three. I went in and where they search you at the beginning. The dickhead cop told me, "Oh, you can't bring that stick in here." I told him, "Well, can I leave it up front?" He told me, "No, go put it in your car." I told him I didn't have a car. I said, "Well, can I go stash it somewhere?" He said, "Be sure they don't steal it." I found a good stash spot real close to the door underneath the pavement there. Then I realized I had my little one-hitter, my fake cigarette in my bag. I was sure they'd look through my bag. I took out my little one-hitter and I stashed it behind the bench outside. Then I went back in and tried again. I had left my little universal socket tool, the pliers part, at home. I was still wearing the pouch and it had just the socket in it. The piggy tells me, "Oh, you can't come in here with that." I go and stash it where my stick was. I go back in there and he looks through my bag and finds my old broken recorder. He said, "Oh, you can't go in here with that. No recording devices." What the hell, man?

                   So I couldn't go see Alex today.

                   I walked to the bus stop and caught the 77 back. I walked to the Health Department and they were closed. They close like at three or something. I'm going to go tomorrow either at 7:45 in the morning or 12:45. It's a walk-in clinic. I'm going to give them my blood sample then. Oh yeah, I finally got smoked out at Travis Park. The park had been dry all day. Some dude who had seen me at the day-center earlier, he was from Oklahoma City. He just got into town. After he smoked me out in the park he said, "Hey man, I want to go see the river." I told him, "Hey, I can show you something on The Riverwalk." I tried telling them my story when we got to The Riverwalk. But him and his friend from California wouldn't listen to me. They weren't taking me seriously so we took off walking. I sat down at some chair at this restaurant and started telling my story. This waitress came and hassled us. Then I tried telling them again while we were walking but they still wouldn't listen to me. Finally, I told them, "I'll tell you my story when we get to our destination." We finally got to the statue. I showed them the statue. They told me yeah, that it did bear an uncanny resemblance. I told them, "I'm going to go catch the 91 to West Telemarketing and see if I get smoked out."

                   Okay, there was a good recap. Man, it sucks that I left it on pause.

     6:31pm  Simon hooked me up with some change so I could get a hit at the park.

     6:32pm  Ray just hooked me up with a lot of weed for a quarter. And H.P. just gave me an El Paraiso popsicle.

     6:49pm  I sat down on the bench by Rachel. She's with the guy who gave me change for my hit. I noticed she was all distressed. I'm going to wait for her to get off the phone and offer her a hit of weed. Hey, this will make her feel better.

                   She doesn't smoke. Actually, she told me she had some weed and since she doesn't smoke, she's going to give it to me! Awesome. I appreciate it, Rachel. That's very generous of you.

     7:56pm  Man, I had the greatest presentation with this girl. She told me, "I really, really, really enjoyed your story." When she got off the phone she was all crying and stuff. Having problems with her boyfriend.

     8:32pm  Helen hooked me up with a cigarette. I didn't even have to ask her. She offered. I appreciate it, Helen. Everybody gets credit.

                   Holy shit, the weirdest shit happened. This nineteen year old girl I met, Rachel. She had been on the phone crying and I cheered her up. I suggested she should go traveling. She looked at me and it seemed like she was contemplating it seriously. Then I thought, "Oh shit, if this girl is going to go traveling I'm not going to let her go alone. She's going to get hurt out there." Umm, so I asked her if she wanted to go to New Mexico with me. I just want to go there and come back.

                   Oh yeah, Rachel had gotten off a Greyhound bus with Simon. They were on their way to Job Corps in San Marcos. Well, her and Simon had a big disagreement. I don't know what about, but something was wrong with their bus tickets or something. While Simon went to the Greyhound station to figure it out, I talked to Rachel, told her my story and invited her to go traveling with me. Eventually Simon came out saying he had the tickets. Rachel said she wasn't going anywhere. She was coming with me. Oh wow!

     9:25pm  Me and Rachel rode on the 92. My good friend Renee was driving. I got off to get her some chicken by Crossroads again. The lady at the Church's hooked her up with three pieces.

     9:30pm  Man, I am just great! I am loving this! This girl is loving it too. She's all excited like a kid in a candy store. She's all, "I've never been on a bus like this before." It's awesome.

                   This is what I get for telling people my story.

     10:00pm  Rachel and I got on the 91 at the hospital. I recognized the driver. He was the guy that had asked me for Ruben, the walking stick guy's phone number. Well, just last night when I went through my pocket calendars I found Ruben's number. Then right now I run into this guy, like the day after. And I gave him the number. Things happens for a reason.

     11:29pm  We got to West and Gustov is hooking us up with a ride to Babcock. Badass, I appreciate it, brother.

     12:25pm  Me and Rachel are walking. I'm going to show her my woods at night! I saw the fireflies again! Remember I typed up about fireflies a long time ago(5-1-03, 8:45pm). Ahh, they're everywhere. Awesome. It's a lightshow.

Next day..

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