San Antonio, TX

Saturday April 10, 2004

     6:41am  I woke up at five this morning. I woke up, did my stretches, ate a bowl of cereal and made two sandwiches for the day. Now I'm walking. I'm walking to the bus stop. I'll find a cardboard box somewhere and make up a sign. Spare change for supplies on my way to save the world.

     6:52am  I just got to the Citgo. I was looking around for snipes and I found a little tiny one. I got maybe a drag off of it. Then I look and up here in the trashcan I see a box of cigarettes. I think, "Aww, that's probably going to be empty. It's in the trash." I grabbed it and there was two cigarettes missing from the pack!

                   Oh my god, something good is going to happen do me today! I saw the other bus passing by, so I guess I'll catch the Ingram one. Let's see what happens. I should just walk all the way to the Walmart. I'm going to smoke a cigarette first. Thank you, Love. I'm so happy. Good things are happening to me.

                   It was so awesome. They were Marlboro Lights and everything. They were just sitting on top of all the trash. I just reached in and grabbed it, doubting there would be any in there. Man, there was eighteen of them in there.

                   Good signs, good signs.

     7:25am  I am patiently waiting for the 610. I walked up to Guilbeau and Tezel. I'm still waiting for the bus.

     7:49am  There's the 610 finally.

     8:26am  We got to the hospital. I'm going to take a shit and look for a box so I can make a sign.

                    Denny hooked me up with a donut. The security guard here at the transfer center. Thanks a lot, Denny.

                    Shit, I forgot my stick. I think I left it in the bathroom. Shit.

     8:47am  I'm talking to Jack here on the 92. I told him what I was doing and he goes, "Hey, can I give you a dollar?" Sure you can, man. Nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps, thank you.

                   He gave me a whole dollar. I didn't even ask him for it. I had told him, "My name is Victor Antonio from San Antonio. I'm going to save the world." Good things are happening.

                   Oh yeah, I never mentioned, I checked my email last night and Jordan wrote me back! Finally.

Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 13:37:38 EDT

APRIL 7, 2004

     hey there well i am sorry i havent been able to talk to you. Like you i am never home so e-mail is really good. i cant wait untill we go have our walk its going to be really cool i already know it. your quotes were really cool i got to read all with out any inturuptions. ill contribute with quotes of my own ill send them to you as soon as i can. Well dont forget to write and soon we will be joined again for peace, harmony and herb!!!!!!!!! For sure!!!!!! Well i guess ill show you one little piece of mine!!!

Stand up for your rights
believe in your self, believe what you see dont discontinue your life without smoking with me. Dont knock what you dont
know untill your very try. Dont judge me by the way i live my life and the way i survive. I live for me and you live for
you dont point the finger because you do wrong too! I live a little and smoke alot too whos to say that I can never
change IM FINE and I am happy as i live through lifes every cries. Ill smoke everyday untill my lungs fry, its all you
need to be intwined with your inner mind and daze into time.
-Jordan Rose
My personal quote:

Smoke out, get blowed go into trip mode. close your eyes, you will see the outter world our minds can see. it doesnt matter what parents say stay the same and never change. keep on toking through lifes nights and like marley says "stand up for your rights,& never give up the fight!"
-Jordan Rose

well hope you liked it! ill talk to you later and call me soon.
pEaCE, LOve, hArMOnY

     8:57am  I got to Hillcrest and Fredericksburg. I already saw a bum on the corner I want, but I'm going to go talk him out of it. I'll offer him a sandwich, hehe. I'll tell him, "Hey man, I'm giving something back. You're just asking for change." I'm going to go in the Jim's and ask them if they have a cardboard box.

                   They didn't have one at Jim's. I'm going to try Hillcrest Grocery.

                   At the tamale store next door they had a box. They've got a badass box. It's all wide.

     9:21am  I just made up my sign. "SPARE CHANGE FOR SUPPLIES? ON MY WAY TO SAVE THE WORLD." With a big peace sign.

     9:27am  I got to the corner and I hear that bum yelling at me. He had moved off his corner. I heard him yelling, "Victor, Victor." Whoa, he already knew my name. He asked me, "What are you doing?" I told him, "I have work to do," and I showed him my sign. He said, "Alright, go do your thing." There's nothing to it but to do it. Let's see how long it takes until people start hooking me up.

                  I'm a fearless leader.

                  B58-VVS, that's the guy who just gave me three dollars right now, dude. He all called me over. This is where it all starts.

                  The first car that pulled up gave me three dollars.

                  6ZN-L21 gave me a dollar. These two kids.

     9:34am  This bum came up and started yelling at me. He was all, "Don't be smoking while you're flying a sign." I told him, "Man, I can do whatever I want." He all told me, "I'm a professional. I'm smart." Oooh, a professional bum. He must be proud.

                  Haha, right when the bum came over to yell at me some guy called me over and gave me some change! Haha. In your face grandpa bum.

     9:40am  VH7-LJR gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, sister.

     9:41am  RV2-842 Gave me some change. Awesome.

     9:42am  O41404 Gave me three dollars. Umm, he had a temporary license plate.

     10:03am  It's been a little dead lately. Nobody is giving me anything. The bum is over on the I10 access road, which I need to be on. He's scoring a lot. That professional bum.

                  7YP-Y87 just gave me a five dollar bill.

                  TNK93 just gave me two dollars. I forgot his name. It turns out I had met the bum before. He's one the homeless dudes I met on Dezavala a while back(4-3-03, paragraph starting with: I left and went back to the 604 bus stop). He gave me some pointers. He let me know that just on the other side of the highway is technically Balcones Heights, not San Antonio.

                  824-TZH gave me a dollar.

     10:22pm  This SAPD cop stopped and called me over. He said, "You can't do that here. You'll get a city ordinance violation." I told him, "Why don't you go after all the other bums that do it?" Anyway, I'm just going to walk to the other side of the highway in front of Crossroads Mall and fly my sign. Screw it. Good thing that bum told me it was Balcones Heights on the other side.

     10:27pm  Joey hooked me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, Joey.

     10:57pm  This guy just honked at me and threw a dollar bill out the window and it fell on the ground. 

                      Actually, two dollars. 

     11:03am  John is hooking me up with some change. I appreciate it, John. Everybody gets credit. Oh badass, a whole dollar.

     11:04am  V7A-HMB gave me a dollar. 

                      This car rolled up and these kids rolled down the window and they gave me a dollar. Little kids. I'm doing things right.

                      87B-C14 gave me a couple bucks. I told him, "Thanks for proving me right."

                      JO3-PBL, this girl asked me, "How are you going to save the world?" I handed her a business card and told her, "Email me."

                      This guy just gave me some change. I couldn't get his license plate though.

                      YSK-67H gave me a dollar. She was all, "Here."

                      This one guy told me that the the Matrix movies are signs. He handed me this little card.

                      745-UIB hooked me up with two dollars.

                      X78-FPD gave me change too. Awesome.

     12:02pm  Lunchtime. I'm going to go eat at Jack in the Box right here.

     12:22pm  I just ate my Jumbo Jack and I'm going to go back to work.

                     207-JDD gave me some change. A pretty girl.

                     J20-JK8 gave me a dollar. She asked me, "How are you going to save the world?" I handed her a card and said, "Send me an email. I've got it all figured out." She goes, "Are you sure?" and handed me some Jesus pamphlet.

                     These kids just drove by and they yelled, "Bob Marley! Bob Marley!" Hehe, they saw me.

                     This dude in a white Dodge just gave me some change. I didn't get his license plate. He just took off.

     1:20pm  I stopped around one. I thought, "Aww, screw it. I'm ready to go downtown to Travis Park and buy some weed with this money." Hehe. I got twenty seven one dollar bills. Let's see how much change I got.

                   Like I said, I need to buy supplies. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. I need to be high.

                   I have four dollars in pennies, dimes and nickels. About thirty two dollars total.

                   Go ahead, work for money. Waste your life away. All I did was stand there.

     1:27pm  I forgot to tell you, I'm on the 92. I'm going downtown to get some weed.

                   I made forty dollars in four hours. About $10 an hour. I got a good job.

     2:00pm  I'm downtown in Travis Park. I see some friends there.

     2:36pm  I forgot to tell you I came to Travis Park and bought some weed. I bought a nickel sack and then a dime sack from James. I used fifteen dollars of that money on weed.

     2:50pm  I came down to The Riverwalk. I'm going to go to my statue and smoke cigarettes and tell my story.

     3:00pm  I saw these two guys wearing a Kerrville Folk Fest shirt. I asked them, "Hey, when is the festival? Hey, can I tell you guys a story?" I got his email address. Cool. I'm on my way to the statue.

     3:40pm  I'm just walking around Rivercenter Mall now being seen by all these tourists. It's Saturday. I just realized I had money on me. I can go buy me a camera. I passed this little store here. It's called, "Making history San Antonio." I need a picture of that.

     3:46pm  I just got my camera. I turned around and looked.  Hey, there's an arcade. I'm going to go play videogames. I've got a pocket full of change.

                   I just took a picture of the Making History San Antonio sign. Have to follow my signs.

     4:08pm  I had a great presentation with the lady at the place they sell all the refrigerator magnets at. She listened to me like crazy, dude. Oh yeah, I need to go get her email address.

     4:13pm  I'm in front of my statue asking people, "See the resemblance?"

     4:21pm  I just asked this group of kids if I could tell them my story. One said, "Oh no, we're good." Anti-social tourist. Have you always been that ignorant?

     4:23pm  I came up to street level by Dillard's and the chamber of commerce.

     4:32pm  I went and I took a long, healthy shit at the NIX hospital. I come out and it's pouring! It's a monsoon. Holy shit. I don't want to go walking. I don't have my boots. My feet will get wet. That sucks. I'm going to wait in front of here and smoke a cigarette.

                  Oh yeah, I took my time in the bathroom. I loaded my bowl and changed out of my layers.

     5:06pm  I had a great presentation with this guy Mike Walshing. I got his card. He listened to all my shit. He told me, "I find your stuff really inspiring."

     5:14pm  I made a fool of myself at the bus stop. I put my rain poncho over my head so I could hit my one-hitter. I took a really big hit and ended up hacking and coughing. I am sure it was obvious what I was doing.

                   Oh yeah, that guy I got a card from earlier. He was asking me all these questions. He asked me, "What inspired you to do all this." I told him about all my learning experiences like my head injuries, Chasity, the settlement and stuff. He asked me if I was a part of a certain religion. I told him my whole shpeel about how I didn't believe in God, just Love. He told me I inspired him. He was all going on about the benefits of alcohol in moderation.

                   Oh yeah, I called my mom from the Citgo. She's going to come pick me up. She was all trying to put a guilt trip on me, "Oh, I'm cleaning the house." Well, then don't mess it up.

     8:03pm  I'm home already. I'm going to jump in the hot shower.

     8:26pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. When my mom was giving me a ride home she told me that somebody called for me. She said it came up, "Teleservices" on the caller ID. She said some lady asked for Antonio. That's weird. What would a telemarketing place want with me. Umm, how would they know me as Antonio? That's strange. My mom told them, "Oh, nobody lives here by that name." She couldn't figure it out. That's weird. I wonder what the hell that's about.

Next day..

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