Marley Fest Day #2

Sunday April 4, 2004

     5:35am  The next morning. I just woke up. Didn't sleep that long at all.  This car pulled up and I gave them the peace sign. Good morning. Now, I'm up and I'm ready to go. Start my day again.

     5:46am  I came out here. I walked out on Woodlawn Street. It's a beautiful day.

                   I walked down Blanco Road to Fredericksburg. I can hear the bus coming. Right when I got to the bus stop. Going to get a courtesy ride.

     6:06am  Mr. 5968 hooked me up with a courtesy ride downtown. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Letter of the day is J for Jack.

     6:24am  I got off downtown by the Greyhound station. I actually went inside the Greyhound station and took a shit. I didn't give a damn about the security guards. Screw it, the spirits got my back. What are they going to do? Call the cops? I went and took a shit. I didn't care if they saw me. It's my downtown restroom resource again.

                  I've got fifteen Greyhound receipts in my bag.

                  I am an avid Greyhound bus rider.

     7:29am  Snakeman Jake hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:40am  The 92 guy didn't give me a transfer. I told him, "I was just testing you. You failed."

     7:43am  I ran into Zai again! He's going to smoke a brother out. I appreciate it.

     8:20am  Ms. 52562 is hooking me up with a ride to a Mexican restaurant. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     9:25am  I forgot it's Daylight Saving's Time. It's actually 9:25 right now. All along I've been an hour ahead today. I gotta synchronize my watch to the bus time.

     9:26am  It's funny. This lady she hooked me up and everything. She wouldn't let me tell her my story though. I hit her up and asked her, "Will conversation distract you?" She told me yeah. When I asked for the ride I told her, "Hey, I'm hungry. Don't suppose you can take me to the closest Mexican restaurant so I can get hooked up with breakfast?" She said she knew just the one. She dropped me off on the corner of Dewey on McCullough. I'm going to go see if I can score.

     9:27am  That sucks. I didn't score. I asked the girl, "Can I speak to the manager?" She said, "Oh, he's not here." I told her my shpeel. I said, "My name's Victor. I'm a long-distance walker. I'm trying to bring world peace with the Internet. I am writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read. I was wondering if you would care to donate some gasoline for my stomach so I can keep walking. If it's a big problem, don't worry about it. I'm sure the next place I walk by will be generous and help me out." She said, "Oh no, you would have to talk to him and he's not here." Damnit. Like she couldn't have hooked me up anyway. Well, I'm just going to walk down McCullough until I get to another Mexican restaurant.

                   I decided I'd just stand outside and ask people, "Spare any change for breakfast?"

     9:30am  Jose hooked me up with some change for a taco. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   I have fifty cents so far.

     9:37am  Mondo's hooking me up with some spare change for breakfast. I appreciate it, brother.

                   He gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

                   And some change, awesome.

     9:47am  I'm walking down McCullough downtown. It's not that far. You can see the skyline from here. Right now I'm by the Saigon Express, there's a big painting that says, "We sell ideas."

                   That's nothing, I give mine away.

     9:58am  The #5 hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Hehe, at first I thought he was just taking off and I give him the finger. He stopped at the light and I ran up to him and got on. I told him, "Sorry I gave you the finger just now. Don't suppose I can get a courtesy ride to Travis Park." He was all, "This is the last time I give you a ride!"

                   Oh yeah, I went to tell him, "I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read. . ." He yelled, "I don't care what you're writing a book about!" He said, "You gotta pay."

                   Even though he let me on anyway, ha.

     10:14am  Mellow hooked me up with a cigarette in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     10:26am  Mr. 614 gave me a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:29am  Mr. Cerna hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:32am  Bernard is hooking me up with a cigarette here in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:03am  We rode the #8 to North Saint Mary's and, umm over by the store I was at last night. Mulberry, that's it. Zai and Don are trying to get some money for beer. I'm going to try and help them spange it up.

     10:20am  I'm walking by 3709 N. St. Mary's. Blanco Cafe. I'm going to see if I can get hooked up.

     10:21am  Freddie, at the Blanco Cafe is hooking me up. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:23am  Badass! I got hooked up right next to the Sunken Gardens. I got two tacos. Fat tacos.

     10:45am  John hooked me up with two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks for proving me right.

                     That guy John said, "Do me a favor though. I'll give you two if you don't fly that sign today." I told him, "Man, I've got a lot of work to do. I can't make any promises." But, I'm going to fly a different sign today. I'm going to fly a sign that says Victor the Liberator on there.

     10:55am  Barry hooked me up with some change for my ticket. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Barry: "God bless you."

                     I was telling Barry my story and Julie offered me a cigarette without me even asking. I appreciate it, Julie. Barry was all, "I'm in there too."

     11:02am  Gilbert and his friends hooked me up with two dollars in quarters! I appreciate it, brothers. I had asked and they told me no, then turned around and handed them to me.

                      I appreciate it, guys. I have some important work to do here.

                      They came back and gave me two bucks!

     11:12am  Monica hooked me up with a Now and Later and a quarter. I appreciate it, Monica. Everybody gets credit.

     12:20pm  Richard just gave me two bucks for my ticket. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     12:21pm  I've spanged up five dollars so far. Zai came back and he got some alcohol, so we're going to the woods to drink a little bit.

     1:04pm  Me and Zai and Dominic came over to these little woods and we're going to drink and smoke.

     1:18pm  I'm passing this van that has a bumper sticker that says, "The most violent element in society is ignorance."

     1:45pm  Oh yeah, I never told you. There was a last-minute price-hike. The tickets are thirty dollars now. Let's see how long it takes me.

     1:49pm  Azucela me dio un dolar. Te lo agradezco. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego. Muchas gracias.

                   Cool, got a dollar.

     1:57pm  Kevin hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     2:02pm  I just told this one guy my introduction. He said he wouldn't listen so I said, "Well, do you have an email address?" He told me, "You know what, man? Stand here for about five or ten minutes and I'll get you in."

                   He's going to get me a bracelet! Kickass!

                   Once again, I am meant to be here today. Awesome.

                   Patience paid off. I'm going to get me a bracelet. 

     2:14pm  Lyle, the guy who told me he was going to hook me up, actually did. He followed through. He came out and handed me a bracelet. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:15pm  His email address is shakezuula2000@yahoo.com. Alright, I'll send you some really interesting non-fiction.

     2:22pm  I am back in the Marleyfest. I was meant to be here. I'm on the rocks already. Come on, somebody smoke this brother out.

     2:25pm  And Ryan smoked a brother out! Thank you, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     2:54pm  This guy Ben just gave me a cigarette. He said, "Aren't you the guy who gave all his stuff away?"

     3:17pm  Smoker hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     3:31pm  Jessica hooked me up with a pen. I needed a pen, I had lost mine. I appreciate it, Jessica.

                  What petition are you asking me to sign? What's your organization? The guys at the Amnesty International Table listened to my story. I appreciate it, guys.

                  Dude, I had a good presentation with the lady with the petition. She listened to me a lot, dude. I excused myself telling them, "I've got work to do. See you on the other side."

     3:57pm  I ended up having six dollars. I got six tickets and I bought me a turkey leg. I'm going to go give a ticket away.

     4:15pm  Josh hooked me up with a cigarette here at Marleyfest, day #2. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:35pm  Kristin smoked me out. She smoked this brother out. I appreciate it, sister. I didn't even ask. She was listening to my story and offered.

     4:52pm  I ran into Mouse again. I can look her up(3-10-04).

     5:14pm  I'm leaving the Sunken Gardens. One of the guys who works here goes, "Hey man, save the world." I told him, "I will. I promise."

     5:15pm  Julie hooked me up with a cigarette. I'm about to leave the Sunken Gardens. I appreciate it, Julie.

     5:19pm  I just walked out of Marleyfest. What a grand Marleyfest this year. It was magical. I got so many email addresses.

                   My word is spreading hardcore. I was out there in full-force. In front of the cops and everything. They all loved me.

     5:45pm  It started raining. I said, "I'm going to go stand under the platform with those people over there. Guess who was there. Jordan! She's hooking me up with some food. What else did we do? We just sat around and talked.

     6:00pm  This is bullshit! All of us kids we were all standing under the covering over here at some parking garage. We had to ran out to the bus stop in the rain. I was waving at him and everything. He wouldn't stop at the stop. He just kept going. Like he's not going to see five or six kids running for the bus close to a bus stop?"

     6:12pm  I've decided I'm going to go up for a walk up to the top of this parking garage. Maybe there will be a little surprise for me at the top. Oh yeah, it's just so awesome how I ran into Jordan again. This girl is just beautiful, man. But, I can't be setting myself up again. She said she'd come walking with me and come check out my woods.

                   When I eventually came back down, Jordan and the rest of the kids were missing. Damn.

                   I can't stop telling my scripts until it happens. So far I have learned that having a girlfriend won't work with me.

     6:30pm  Mr. Hernandez wouldn't let me on. It is raining outside and he wouldn't let me on. I was just testing you, brother. You failed hardcore.

                   It's coming down cats and dogs and he wouldn't let me on. He all said, "Do you ever have money?" I told him, "No, I am proving that we don't need money to live. Why would I have money?"

     6:39pm  I'm just walking down Saint Mary's. I'm going to walk all the way downtown again. In the rain. It's pouring. I just walked through a puddle. I don't care if my boots get wet. It's not cold.

                   I'm having fun.

     7:37pm  I just walked all the way to Travis Park from the Sunken Gardens. My boots were all sloshed, but I don't care. I just walked through it. Bet everyone thought I was crazy.

     7:45pm  David hooked me up with the rest of his cigarette over by the Majestic. I appreciate it, brother.

                   The 92 wouldn't give me a courtesy ride, damnit. He said, "Aww, not tonight."

                   Dude, that guy I bummed a cigarette off of, in the end he told me, "Have fun on your trip." I didn't tell him I was going on any trip. That was weird. Maybe that's a sign to leave. Hmm.

     8:10pm  Roy hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:24pm  I'm on the 91. I told the driver, "Hey, I'm cold, I'm wet, I got fifty cents. Can I get on?" He let me on.

     9:14pm  It's cold, it's wet, it's freezing.

Next day..

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