Durango, CO

Saturday September 4, 2004

     8:14am  I'm waking up in camp. It rained last night. We're all soaked. Not really, but kind of. My shoes are wet. I took my socks off. My feet are freezing. I wish it was dry. The soup kitchen doesn't open until Tuesday.

                   I woke up this morning. There was some vodka left, so I drank some to warm me up. I know I say I don't usually drink alcohol, but this is an exception.

     8:14am  John wants to make an entry. Is your real name John?

                   John: "I don't know what the fuck happened, but I'm up in the hills at some campground. Anyway, I'm here. I'm all fucked up. I'm wasted. I drank a lot of vodka. We're just kickin' it here smoking cigarettes. We're all cool. It's all good and I don't know what my lady's going to say."

     1:07pm  I'm stuck here in the tent. It's pouring outside. Oh yeah, Skitz and Ghost shacked up with the two girls last night in their tent. I wonder if they're doing it. I smoked a bowl and had a shot of my Muscleblast. I want to skip this town so bad. I want to leave Durango already. But, all of my stuff is wet. Two of my shirts are wet. My rain poncho is too. I'm thinking about just going into town, bumming some change and going to a laundromat so I can dry my clothes. I want to skip this town. Screw this town. It's really ignorant. I just want to get out of here already.

     1:44pm  Scott hooked me up with a cigarette at the Conoco. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:53pm  I'm all ready to skip town. I got all my stuff together. I put my rain poncho on. It's soaked out here. I walked all the way to the Conoco. I bummed a cigarette and then I realized, "Oh shit, I left my Natural Balance hat at camp." I gotta go back for that. I can't leave that there.

     2:04pm  I walked up to the soup kitchen, which is closed today. I'm going to leave my stuff here, so I don't have that much to carry all the way to the camp. I'm going to get my hat and then come back.

     2:46pm  I'm sitting here at the soup kitchen, at the back door. I have my stuff hung up and I'm trying to dry it off as much as I can. The sun hasn't come out yet. It's about to, I think so. It stopped raining finally. I see an Oscar's restaurant from here. I'm going to go see if I can score some food there. I haven't been too descriptive about the camp and everything. It was really cool how the first day I got here I was shown this campground. They had a tent set up, but I slept outside on the ground. When I woke up I scraped up some resin and went to the tent and smoked Skitz and Ghost out. I got them high in the morning. These two brothers, they're part Native American. One of them has, "Native Pride," tattooed on his forearms. They were all cool with me, about my ideas and everything. A couple days ago we met these two girls at the park. Everything is cool here. The soup kitchen is right down the hill from the campsite. The rest of the town is just down the hill. We met these two girls. At first they were kind of cool. This one girl, Ghia, which I really love her name, it means earth goddess or something like that, she's like really, really, really cute. They already have jobs lined up. Dee, her friend, is ignorant as hell. Ghia's got a Volvo that they parked in front of the soup kitchen. Ghost and Skitz were really cool.
                    Last night it rained hard. That crazy guy John, he was there. This morning I woke up and it was just me and John in the guy's tent. All four of them had gotten in the girl's tent. Ghia, Dee, Skitz and Ghost. They're still in there because of the rain. I started reading this boring book in the tent when I finally decided I was going to try and skip town. I got all my stuff together and put my rain poncho on. I'm going to get out of town. There's all these motorcycles everywhere, so I can't tell my story on the street. They're all loud. Real ignorant bikers, too. at least I scored me some batteries for my recorder. I'm going to have to buy a new one pretty soon. The little rewind/fast-forward thingy fell off already, just like it has before. I've bought like five or six now. I'm waiting for the sun to come out, so I can dry my clothes off. I want to go bum some quarters so I can go to a laundromat and dry my clothes off. I don't know what I'm going to do.
                    I hope I got all my stuff and didn't leave anything at the camp. Oh, I did leave a pair of my thermal bottoms up there. That's Okay, I still have my camouflage ones with the camels all over it. I gotta find me a thrift store somewhere and get me another pair. Anyway, I am just trying to recap everything. I've already decided I'm not going to pursue anything with Giah. I can't pursue anything with anybody, until I find my perfect traveling partner. She was the only girl who listened to me, out of the whole group of us. The two Indian guys listened to me at first. Then the fat ignorant girl Dee wouldn't listen to me one bit. Remember how yesterday I was hoping Giah was home so I could tell her about my day?
                    I told them I was going to try and get to Moab. Ghost told me to look some guy up there. I forgot his name. Oh yeah, and when I left Ghia told me, "Good luck." That really meant a lot.

     3:32pm  I'm all geared up. I'm going to go to the Oscar's and score some Mexican food.

                   Oscar's turned out to not be a Mexican restaurant. There's all these white people working there. I said forget it.

     4:05pm  Patrick hooked me up with a cigarette in front of East by Southwest. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:10pm  Oh shnaps. I see a Denny's. I'm going to score.

     4:16pm  Everybody is always thinking I'm asking for money. I went in the Denny's and told them, "My name is Victor. I'm a long-distance walker. I'm writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read on the Internet. I don't suppose you could spare some gasoline for my stomach so I can keep walking?" They told me, "Oh no, I don't have any money." I said, "I wasn't asking for money. I need some gasoline for my stomach so I can keep walking." They said, "I don't have any of that either." Greedy asses.

     4:20pm  I wish it was really 4:20. I spotted a Mexican restaurant. Cocina Linda across the street. They're closed. That sucks. I'm going to walk to 160 and see where I end up.

     4:25pm  I walked to the highway. I'm sitting here in front of Durango Quick Lube, over by some waste transfer center. I'm going to stick my thumb out.

     5:15pm  You will never believe what just happened. I just got taken to Durango West. I was out there for like maybe ten or fifteen minutes, maybe. Before you know it, this truck pulled over for me. Two guys and a girl. The guy and the girl were hauling this guy who just got beat up. He told me he was going to take me to Durango West about four miles. Anyway, this guy just brought me to his mom's house! I have my own room. I have a bathroom. And we're going to smoke some weed. Perfect! I wish I would've gotten their names. The guy told me, "Don't touch anything or I'll shoot you with my gun."

     6:10pm  Bill Brockley and Angel. Check out this magical place I ended up today. After only like fifteen minutes of me being out there with my thumb out, I got out of town. These people picked me up in a truck. They had rescued some other homeless guy who had just gotten beaten up. Now, they're treating me to all this hospitality. I got to take a shower and did my laundry. These guys are proving me right, big time. I just felt it was my time to leave and look at what happened. Things happen for a reason.

                   Praise Love, praise Love.

                   Bill and Angel went upstairs to go have sex, so I stayed downstairs and I'm going to watch some TV. I watched Happy Gilmore. A funny movie. I watched the news. Man, there's some terrible stuff going on. Almost three hundred students died in a school in Russia. All this terrible stuff's going on. Like all the hurricanes. It's all our own fault. We're just messing everything up. Later on, goodnight. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

Next day..

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