San Antonio, TX

Thursday April 29, 2005

                   I haven't been recording that much lately. Let's see, today I woke up with Rachel again. We had a big conflict with my mom last night. She started yelling at me, telling me I'm taking too many liberties. She's going to let Rachel stay for one more night. I had a great night. I slept great with Rachel. I woke up this morning and Rachel helped me in my mom's back yard. We cut a trail in the back yard. Oh yeah, I got the idea to just put a tent back there and me and Rachel can sleep back there. My mom can't kick us out of the backyard. I found a tent in the garage and we took it to the back. We'll make a project out of it. We cut a trail in the back yard. She started on one side and me on the other. Just yanking grass. We just walked up to Guilbeau and Old Tezel to catch the bus. We caught the bus to Ingram Mall. At Ingram we did a little nature hike. Right behind the bus stop there's a little water fall. We climbed down all these rocks, then climbed up them. We came out and bummed a cigarette off this girl. I told her what I was doing. She goes, "Hey, didn't you get kicked off the bus the other day?" This other black dude there was all, "Yeah! Criminal trespassing bullshit."

                   Clint hooked me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:52pm  This sucks. Rachel just called home. Now she has to leave, boohoo. She called her mom when we got to Travis Park. All this shit is happening with custody of her two kids. She has to be in Houston or something. She has to do all this shit. She called her mom and it seemed like an emergency. Her mom is sending her bus fare and Rachel is leaving.

                   Man, that sucks. Rachel was perfect.

                   I'm not even going to get to take a picture of her. That sucks.

     5:15pm  I ran into this guy who told me, "Hey, how's your book coming?" Some guy named Randy.

     5:18pm  Omar hooked me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game, thanks.

     5:32pm  I asked this guy for a cigarette and he didn't have one. This other guy walking behind me and said, "Hey man, I got a cigarette if you want one. It's a cheap kind." I told him, "That's alright, man. It's all the same nicotine." He hooked me up with two. They're those shitty Star smokes. Better than nothing. Thanks man.

     5:40pm  That's badass. The guy listened to me for a long time. Until his bus came. The 91. It was awesome, that presentation. He gave me two cigarettes. Cheap ones though.

                   Next time somebody asks me if I'm still working on my project I'll tell them, "I am not only working on it, I am doing nothing but."

     5:52pm  Gene hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:08pm  I am putting on a very interesting show in the park playing with these squirrels, chasing them up the trees and throwing tennis balls at them.

     6:37pm  I ran into Amanda at the park. I always forget her name.

     6:40pm  Leo hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it. That's very generous of you. I got a light. Thanks anyway.

     6:47pm  Leo is making a knot in the loop of my stick. It used to have an overhand knot.

                   Leo: "Cowboys have a lot of pride in their equipment. If they see somebody tie an overhand knot like you had, they can tell he's a greenhorn. A tenderfoot."

                   Oh yeah, I'm going to go visit Willie Nelson at his house. He lives in Austin. Dennis is giving me the scoop on Willie Nelson. He knows all this stuff about him. He's got a ranch in Austin. All I have to do is show up wearing my 83 world tour shirt and he'll let me in, I'm sure.

     6:58pm  I jumped on the 91. When I got on the driver said, "Do you have a bus pass? I was told not to give you a ride by the police." I showed him my pass, then he told me to sit down. I told him, "I'm not going to sit down. I prefer to stand. I've been through this before. Call the transit cops again. Not only would you be drawing me publicity, but you'll be making my lawsuit even better." I told him, "My name ain't Victor for nothing. I win either way."

     7:04pm  Hahaha, I just had the best thing happen to me. I got on and the bus driver was all pissed off at me. He said, "Hey, I was told not to let you on the bus unless you have a pass." I told him, "Well I do have a pass." I asked him, "Who told you that?" He said, "The police officer who arrested you. Now get off the bus." I told him, "No, you do your job. My tax money pays your salary. You work for me." Yeah, I even told him, "Thanks for making my book so interesting. And my lawsuit!" I can sue the shit out of San Antonio.

                   I told the driver, "Man, why are you taking this things so personally? I didn't do shit to you." He all told me, "This is your last warning." Like three times he told me that. I told him, "You do what you need to do. Go ahead! Call them. Let's see how quick they tell you to do your job too."

                   I told him, "Man, this has happened before. I showed up at the monthly meeting and in the newsletter that came out it said that the driver had overreacted and called the police."

                   Instead of showing him my pass I should've asked him for a courtesy ride. It would've been show-time then.

     7:22pm  I have to find the 711 tomorrow. I just came back downtown. It was cool because I told the driver, "Next stop, please." I guess he didn't hear me because he passed it up. He stopped at the light at the 36 stop. I thought it was the 92 stop still.

     7:30pm  I ran into Joe at the transit center. Who I met at Ingram Mall. Cool, cool. Thanks for making contact.

                   Mario hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park.

     7:40pm  I just picked up a paper in Travis Park. I'm going to walk to 711 tomorrow. I picked up this bible-thumping pamphlet. It said all this about how nobody is perfect. It's bullshit, man. It's all trying to make people feel guilty for being human! It says everybody is evil from the start. No way..

     7:41pm  See, all this time I've been wondering what is at 711 Navarro. See, I had told Rachel that I was looking for a lawyer and she said, "You should talk to my aunt. She'll do it just for the publicity." I thought, "Damn, I was meant to run into Rachel." She told me her aunt's name was Rachel Koole. I looked it up in the phonebook and wrote down the address. 711 Navarro. Well, I just found out where that address is. It is right in front of Travis Park! In the Jefferson Bank building! Like, right across the street where I met Rachel. How amazing that right where I met this girl her aunt works. Holy shit. Damn.

                   Marie just hooked me up for a couple bucks(then the tape ends).

     8:41pm  I gotta recap a little bit. This lady had hooked me up with a couple bucks for a hotdog. It's really cool that that lawyer ended up being right in Travis Park Plaza. Right across the street from where I met Rachel. Which means that this lawyer has probably seen me already. I've been out there for years. I just went to check, but they were closed. I'll go tomorrow.

                  Oh yeah, I never mentioned. I jumped on the 88 to go home. Straight to the Walmart and I'll walk from there.

                  Well, my mom will be happy that Rachel isn't crashing here. Even though she kind of took a liking to her.

     8:52pm  I just got off the bus at the Walmart. I'm talking to this guy. He was talking about food so he got me hungry. I asked him, "Hey man, do you have any spare change for a burger?" All of a sudden my good bus driver friend Mr. Cardenas walked up and hooked me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, brother. Whoa, two dollars! Everybody gets credit.

     9:05pm  Sandra is hooking me up with a cigarette at the smoking cabana at the Walmart. I appreciate it, Sandra. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:34pm  I'm going to walk the nature trail back to my mom's. It was cool. I got a burger. Oh yeah, and I bummed a cigarette off that girl and told her my story. I found me a bag of Cheetos! So I've got a full stomach. Burger and Cheetos.

     9:50pm  I'm just walking to the woods on the way to my mom's house. I just slipped on this slope right now. Almost twisted my leg, but I caught myself.

     10:15pm  I'm walking through the park and I just passed this bench these kids were sitting at. I asked them, "Hey, are you guys smoking anything?" They told me no and I asked them, "Can I tell you guys a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." They told me no. I told them they could just hear about it when the rest of the world did. That ignorance is bliss.

                     I ended up over by Dana's house on Hetherington. I'm going to walk to Bandera from here.

     10:23pm  I came out on Bandera over by the SACU. Over there close to the HEB. I remembered that I had that ATM card I found the other day and it said SACU. I left it at the door. At the entrance. I'm returning it.

                     I could've ordered shit on the Internet with that credit card. But nah, that's wrong. I might get caught.

                     I got to the gas station on Bandera and Guilbeau. I'm going to try and get me a cigarette.

     10:38pm  Robert is giving me a cigarette at the Citgo. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:39pm  Badass, after I got that cigarette I came over to smoke it by the trash can. I look inside and see three boxes of cigarettes. I think, "Ah, they're probably empty." I looked through all three of them and I found one cigarette. A Marlboro Light.

                     So if Robert wouldn't have hooked me up, I still would've gotten a cigarette.

                     And now I have one for the walk home.

     11:14pm  I just called my mom after I finished my cigarette. She's not going to pick me up. She said, "I'm already in my pajamas." I told her what had happened with Rachel. She told me, 'I'm really sorry about last night. I was really tense." Remember, she got all livid that I had enough balls to bring a girl home with me. She was telling me, "You are taking too many liberties." Anyway, she felt bad. She even told me, "I was even going to apologize to her when you guys got home." She was hoping she would be with me so she could apologize to her. That's awesome, man. I told her, "Rachel won a place in my heart. Just like Kati did in California and Chasity has." My mom all felt bad and everything, hehe. Anyway, I'm walking home now. That's so awesome that my mom was all going to apologize to her. She told me that she had felt like crying.

                    Things are looking so good for me.

                    I need to figure out, see I haven't been numbering my cassettes while I'm recording them. I'll just type up all my cassettes that have legend on them. I'll number them all then I can put them together myself after I type them all up.

     11:43pm  I walked all the way to the Citgo by my mom's house. I'm going to get some water and smoke a cigarette.

     11:45pm  Some dude just recognized me. My mom's friend Piñeiro's son Isaac. He's going to give me a ride. Cool. I'm going to tell him my story.

     11:56pm  I forgot to record this, but Isaac gave me a ride to my mom's house and he listened to my story too.

                     What a magical encounter, dude. That guy took me right to my mom's.

Next day..

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