Gulfport, FL

Sunday April 20, 2008

     11:00am  I am just now making the first entry for the morning. Happy four twenty everybody. I'm going to walk over to Echo's house and see if she's home. I want to say hi to her. My friend Nation woke up. He slept on the hammock outside.

                     Oh yeah, it sucks. Billy Beck moved out. I thought I was going to be able to type my stuff up on his laptop. He moved to the Sweetwater Farm, some organic farm in Tampa. Hopefully there's another computer I could use. Mike, who I saw with Chaya on Fort Lauderdale Beach, he's supposed to come home today. Maybe he'll let me use his Macintosh. I really wish I didn't have to type it up on a Mac, but whatever works. I can't update my website with a Mac. I need Microsoft Frontpage. I could just do it HTML, but it would take too long.

     11:37am  Sweet, I was walking back from Echo's house, she wasn't home. I was walking in front of the closed down Winn-Dixie. I walked by the mailboxes they have here and I found a full pack of cigarettes! Menthol Newports.

     1:00pm  I had a great presentation with this beautiful black girl. I told her the Note From the Rich and everything. She was flabbergasted, "Oh my god. I can't believe we're slaves." She was all taken aback by the Note From the Rich. She liked it a lot. She was all, "Thank you, thank you." I think I'm going to walk to the public library. I want to check my email. Damnit, I'm stupid. I didn't think to bring extra batteries. My tape recorder is going to go out soon.

     1:09pm  I walked Gulfport Blvd to Beach Blvd and turning left. Aiming for the library.

                   Waterfront District

                   I called my mom to see if she would help me with my website this year. I told her I was going to go fly a sign and do some fundraising. She told me, "Raise some funds and I'll help you out with whatever else you need." She's going to Brazil pretty soon. Her and my little nephew are going to be missionaries. The library is closed today. It opens at ten tomorrow. I'm going to walk to the beach and tell my story and get smoked out.

     1:26pm  I came to the beach. I took a picture. I'm going to walk along the water. I took my socks off.

     1:29pm  I just had a good presentation, err, I just gave out my website. I walked over and these people started saying, "Hey, look at his shirt!" They took a picture of me.

     2:01pm  I walked up and down the beach and I came to this concrete thing at the end and rinsed off my feet and dried off my sandals. I'm waiting for the sun to dry them more. I put my socks on. I kind of dried the parts of the sandals that weren't dry yet with my red handkerchief. I'm wearing it on my caribiner so it'll dry out. I'm a gangbanger.

                   I'm going to sit down on this bench and eat this other burger I got from McDonald's earlier. I bought me a triple cheeseburger and a double cheeseburger. I'm going to eat the double cheeseburger now.

     2:37pm  Steve and Sherri, they listened to my whole Odyssey. I was walking up the sidewalk on Gulfport Blvd and I hit them up for my story. When I was done they asked me, "Have you been to The Blueberry Patch yet?" I told them, "That's my Gulfport headquarters.

     10:51pm  My night got lots better. I hung out with Echo. I think she's really beautiful. I think she's hot as hell. She's got some issues though. She's so scatter-brained. She's out there. Everybody thinks she's crazy. She's got some clarity-issues, I don't know. She just got married, she said. Last time I was here she was with this guy Mike. Darn, I can't kindle anything. I came over yesterday and I see this girl kissing on some guy and it ended up being her. She's totally not sure about getting married. They're just engaged. I don't know. It's a lot of stuff. I shouldn't be talking about it at all. It's her private life. I really like Echo. She's thinking about leaving her fiancée a Dear John letter and taking off North pretty soon to Kentucky. I might get a ride with her, I don't know. I don't know what I should do. I should probably stay by myself.

                      Full moon

Next day..


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