West Palm Beach, FL

Wednesday April 16. 2008

     6:43am  I just woke up with seven hours of sleep. Awesome.

     7:23am  I am up and at 'em. I just packed up all my shit. I'm leaving my camp. I took pictures.

                   I think I can walk this sidewalk along the water all the way to the library. I took a picture of the El Cid Marker. Flagler is the street that runs along the water.

     7:39am  I just took a picture of the Unity building. I don't know what that is, but I took a picture of the sign. It said 4/20 on the sign.

     7:45am  I just walked by this group of three protesters holding signs to traffic. I'll keep the paper about their cause they gave me. I gave them my website too. Help Save the Flagler Drive Waterfront. They've got an email address, but no webpage. I think they're just wasting their time. Nobody cares. Hehe, I bet people say that about what I'm doing.

                   It says peace on the sidewalk. I'm going to take a picture of it.

                   The signs are everywhere. Another peace on the sidewalk.

     8:14am  I made my way back to the library.

     10:30am  I just got out of the library. I checked my email and got me five more printouts of havethisbook.coms.

     11:32am  I am playing around with the idea of scoring a bus ticket all the way to Tampa. Through Vickers. They have signs next to the restrooms in front of the library that says, "Homeless? Need help? Pick up the phone," but I have to have a family member to go home to. I was going to call Mike Stanley in Gulfport and get him to pretend to be my brother. Ahh, that's too complicated. A train ride to Okeechobee is twelve dollars, but I can get there for a dollar fifty on the city transit bus. I just found out right now. So I'm going to take off today. I want to be out there on the road. Hmm, right now I'm looking for the Domino's that hooked me up yesterday and see if they'll hook me up with some traveling food. Wait, I'm going to go get change then I'll find the pizza place.

     11:40am  I wanted to get some change. I went in this store and asked them if they had change for a five, and this lady just gave me some loose change. The old dude in there gave me change for my five. I'm going to find Domino's now.

     11:58am  Some more magic happened! I was just wandering around the streets looking for Domino's. I see this girl Jocelyn sitting in her car with her window down. I asked her if she knew where the Domino's was. I hit her up for my story and to my delight she got out of her car and sat down on the sidewalk to listen to it. She was all ears. In the end she asked me if I wanted to smoke. Sure! She's smoking a brother out now, for the cause. Thanks!

     1:28pm  This sucks. Jocelyn dropped me off and I realize I just lost my marijuana. Maybe I'm not meant to have it in this town. Blue Heron and Beach Court. I got dropped off in this parking lot. I don't know where I am. Singer Island, I think. Wow, I am just in awe at the magic of my departure. This random girl who was sitting in her car with her window rolled down. I told a great story and she smoked me out and ended up being my ride out of town.

     1:56pm  I met this dude where I got dropped off. He was waiting for the bus and he told me about this cool place on the other side of the water here. He said that's where he was headed and that there would be cool people to talk to there. I thanked him for the destination and decided I was going to walk it, and then so did he.

     1:57pm  I just took a picture of Peanut Island. JFK's beach house. Palm Beach over there in the background. Look it up on the internet. I kind of know where I am now.

     2:02pm  I took a picture of these cool islands a lot of bigwigs live on.

     2:07pm  I'm at Blue Heron Blvd and Lakeshore Drive.

     2:10pm  Steve is the key I'm walking with. He brought me to Riviera Beach. I was in West Palm and I came here.

     2:19pm  Just walked to Broadway and turned left.

     2:41pm  I came over to this bathroom by the Tiki Waterfront Sea Grill. I took a piss. I also took off my thermal bottoms because I'm walking.

     2:46pm  I just came to the Riviera Municipal Marina and Bobby just hooked me up with some food. I had walked by this little Tiki hut amd I saw they were preparing food. I walked up and asked them if they had any for sale. They're hooking me up with some food! I appreciate it, guys. In a community of plenty none should go hungry. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

                   Group picture

                   This guy gave me some directions.  Take 95 N to Exit 262 which should be Coco Beach. I head west at Coco Beach. I'm going to pass Cape Canaveral, sweet. NASA's there, right?

     5:32pm  I forgot his name. This guy I told my whole Odyssey to from the marina, in between interruptions. Well, there weren't that many. He's going to let me crash in his boat tonight. I am in the shower house right now. I scored me a shower! Welcome to Riviera Beach, Victor.

                   Shit, the shower doesn't work in here, that sucks. I am all unpacked and naked and everything.

     6:07pm  I just came out of the working shower. I feel like a hundred bucks. I found my weed too!

     7:12pm  I got some badass accommodations here. George, he just showed me his boat I can crash in tonight. I have to take pictures. I get to sleep on a big mattress with no wind. Perfect.

     7:56pm  I just went for a walk. Man, I had a great reception at the marina. I've got a place to crash for the night and everything. I just went for a walk a little bit outside of the marina. I'm at Broadway/1. This prostitute just came up to me and asked me, "Where were your green long-johns. I saw you walking earlier." I tried to tell her my story, but she quickly said she had to go. I told her how I was self-employed and she said, "Me too. I provide stress-relief. "So be thankful for migrant workers, prostitutes and homeless street-people." It's getting cold and I left my bags in that boat I'm going to crash in. I'm going to go back and get my green tights and put them on.

     8:42pm  I'm having such a good time tonight. I couldn't find the boat where my bags were, it disappeared. George had moved it. I did finally find it. He had just moved it. I've got my green thermals on and my rainbow scarf. I'm waiting for this girl to come back. She said she'd smoke me out. Her and her friend wouldn't listen to my story. They were all drinking. They're still drinking. Her and some other guy. We're going to walk to the store and buy some cigarettes. She said she'd smoke a joint with me. I did find my weed. I thought I had lost it. I'm already stoned.

                   The sun is already down. I'm going to be able to crash in that boat! It's cool that I have a headquarters at the marina. A place to stash my shit and walk around with my shirt exposed.

     10:03pm  I decided to go on a walk. I'm walking into the ghetto by the marina. I just ran into Tommy. He saw me at the marina earlier. I'm just going to walk a little bit further down the street and then turn around and walk back to the marina. I have to wait until eleven thirty. George is having some guy clean the fuel system in his boat. I might crash out on the other boat that was offered to me first, but I would be outside.

     11:31pm  I'm crashing out inside George's boat. I'll take a picture of it in the morning.

Next day..

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