Fort Lauderdale, FL

Saturday April 12, 2008

     7:12am  I woke up about ten minutes ago. I just got out of the bathroom and took a shit. I don't know what I'm going to do. I've got my clean shirt to wear. It's semi-clean actually. It didn't get clean all the way. Maybe I should go back to San Antonio and get a new one made.
     12:06pm  I'm about to take off walking. I had a good morning. I got lots done. I did a little more sewing. My cargo shorts are perfect, like brand new. I brought them back to life. I went through all the change John had in the kitchen. There's a shitload of quarters. I'm taking some for busfare and five dollars worth for weed money. And, I'm going to try and trade my digital voice recorder for some weed. I just put new batteries in it. I stole some last night from Big Lots. I stole a flashlight too. So, I'm going to go have a good day. It's Saturday so there should be lots of people. I'm wearing my clean uniform shirt and I'm going to go spread the word. I need to go to the library and get some havethisbook.coms printed out. Yeah.

                     I'm bringing peanut butter sandwiches with me too in a Ziploc bag. When I get hungry I'll eat that. I ate this big entree of Chinese food someone had given me last night. I ate it for breakfast.

     12:14pm  Fuck a duck. My tennis ball is going to wear out today and I didn't bring a spare one. That sucks. I'm walking back. I'm not that far.

     12:19pm  I am back. I switched out tennis balls.

     12:31pm  I had a badass presentation with these kids in the back of the bus. I'm already downtown. I hope we didn't pass the transfer center and I didn't notice.

     12:55pm  I got to the transfer center. I put on a great show in the back of the bus with these four kids. I took their picture.

                     I just got off the bus and across the street in front of the library they are having a bum-feed. Perfect.

     2:06pm  It's about time I made an update. I was supposed to get on the computer at one fifty, but I was busy. While I was waiting I went and hung out in front and asked people if they knew where I could get a nickel sack. I did eventually. Man, people are just loving my shirt in Fort Lauderdale. I've been passing my website out left and right. I've got a little change so I can print out some more at the library. I went through all of John's change, all the dead guy's change and took all the quarters. I took like three dollars in quarters for bus fare. I went to the park and nobody had weed. Eventually this one Puertorican guy riding a bike, we came over to that cement stage and I saw these people I recognized and this cool girl sold me a nickel. So I've got weed and I'm going to go back to the library and sign up for another internet session.

                   It's so cool that I got to eat at the bum-feed and I still have a sandwich in my pocket.

                   I just took a picture of a big lizard or a miniature iguana. I'm going to go sign up at the library for an hour session.

     3:46pm  I had a good internet session at the library. I looked up stuff about all the trash in the Atlantic. I'll be sure to put a link to that on my website. I got sixty cents worth of printouts, so I have more havethisbook.coms to give out.

     4:05pm  I just took a picture of the blue towers at Andrews and 2nd Street.

     4:22pm  Hell yeah, I just had a badass presentation. I got stoned right before four twenty with these two girls at the Riverfront Mall. I took their picture. Everybody's eyes are glued to my shirt.

     4:27pm  This one bible thumper riding a bike, he turned around and came back to me and started yelling like he couldn't believe the shirt I was wearing. "World peace through marijuana?! Do you know Jesus?!"

     4:39pm  I randomly walked to Las Olas. I've decided I'm going to walk to the beach. I saw a sign pointing to the beach. I asked some guy driving a bike taxi and he told me the beach was like two and a half or three miles away.

     5:12pm  Welcome to Fort Lauderdale Beach.

                    Across the bridge I took three shots. Panoramic view.

     5:44pm  Some magic happened! I was a bit bummed at first because people weren't reacting to my shirt that much at first. That's the only people I offer my site to, the ones that give me any reaction. I came to the beachfront street and walked up and down it. I ate my peanut butter sandwich and smoked a cigarette. Since my boots are still Shoe-Gooing I'm wearing my sandals. So when I got to the beach I took my socks off and walked along the surf. I decided I was going to get off the beach and find a place to rinse my feet off at. I walked a little more then all of a sudden I see this couple smiling at me, I assumed they were looking at my shirt. I smiled back and told them, "Hey, will you check out my website? It's free," like I do to everyone. They laughed and then I noticed I knew these people! It's Mike Stanley and Chaya from The Blueberry Patch in Gulfport! They're randomly in Fort Lauderdale for a concert or something. What a small world! Man, Florida has been so much fun, dude. Everybody else who doesn't live here hates it, but it's alright.

                    I had a great presentation with Andres. I took his picture. You'll be on there when I update it, bro.

     6:20pm  Dude! That was the best presentation I have had in such a long time! He was all full of joy. While I was telling him my story his friends were calling for him, but he still insisted I continue. "Keep going, keep going." Dude, Andres just ran up to me. I was walking along the beach and this kid ran up to me and said, "Hey, I want to know about world peace through weed. Yeah, I saw your shirt." Dude, that's what it's for. I totally blew this kid's mind. Oh, and it was awesome how I ran into my friends from The Blueberry Patch too.

                    I'm supposed to go hang out with Mike and Chaya after eleven at the Courtyard Marriot where they are staying, but I'm not going to. I'm going to go back to Jim's and make sure I have my shit. I'm going to leave tomorrow. My boots are still Shoe-Gooing. That's all I'm waiting for.

                    Oh yeah! How could I have forgotten to mention that Mike gave me forty bucks! That's friggin' awesome! Also, I told Mike about the dead guy I had seen and how I had a very momentous update to type up now. I asked him if I would be welcome to return to Gulfport and get my stuff typed up on Billy Beck's laptop again. He said sure. Blueberry Patch, here I come.

                    "I found the bars to the cage. Let's get out of here." - Victor Antonio(inspired by Ishmael)

                    I'm all stoned. I stopped on this bench here and took a picture of the oceanfront. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm going to go back home. Ha! My Fort Lauderdale home.

     7:53pm  I'm walking back already. It started to drizzle a little. I was a total hit right now at the beach. It was just awesome how that one kid ran up to me.

                    I forgot to tell you. I found a white towel. I want it. It was draped over this trash can drying. I've got my a new towel. It's better than the towel I have already. I just took it. I'll hang it on my stick and let it dry while I walk. Oh yeah, and it was cool that at the edge of the sand they had these water jets you could wash your feet off with. I walked around and let sandals dry a little bit. I used my snotrag to soak up some wetness from the sandals. I've got my red rag hooked to the caribiner on my waist drying. I look like a gangbanger. Ha, with a marijuana shirt. I'm going to keep walking. I'm stoned.

                    I don't know if I mentioned, but today I took the time researching that toxic soup thing. All the trash in the Atlantic. I read a big article about it.

                    It's all our damn fault. The article talks about plastic and how it totally defeats nature's ability to degrade it. That no bacteria can digest plastic. It's evil.

     8:29pm  I've been downtown for a while. It's still lightly drizzling. All these Babylonians are staring at my shirt.

     9:30pm  Cannabis Kenny, from New York, I think. He had an accent. He's this cool bus driver. I just had a badass presentation on the bus with the driver. I had actually paid my fare. Right before I got on he walked up to me and asked me, "Oh, you're going to get on this bus? I like people like you." I told him my story while he was driving. I just got off right after I95. I'm going to walk to the trailer park. I want to call and see how much a bus ticket is to Tampa. Screw it, I'm going to hitch it since the bus doesn't run on Alligator Alley. I'm going to take off tomorrow.

     9:40pm  The weirdest shit. I see those same lights in the sky that I saw in Madison, WI(10-19-07  7:09pm). They're crazy. They're not spotlights. They're doing a similar flower pattern. I'm going to go see if Jim is home and tell him to come outside and watch this shit. The center of the pattern used to be overheard, but now it's more distant. Jim's not home in his trailer. I'm going to wait for him to come home. Crazy.

                    There's only four points now. They're all going to the middle and they're going out again. I want to find someone else walking and ask them, "Hey, look at that. Do you see that too?"

                    Some guy rode by me on a bike and I asked him if he saw the lights. He said, "Yeah, those are advertising lights."

     10:30pm  I had a great presentation with Dane Thomas. He had seen me in front of the library earlier today and I had given him my website. He told me he was passing out my site to all of his friends. I'm going to take his picture now.

                    I cut it short because he had to go. I told him The Note From The Rich and he liked it.

                    That was friggin' magical, man. I went over to Jim's house, but he wasn't home. I thought the night is still young. It's Saturday. I figured I would walk down Davie Street over close to the Subway. I went in the Subway and refilled my water and used the restroom. I went outside and took a hit of weed and all of a sudden this guy runs up and tells me that he's giving my website out to all of his friends. What a crazy day I have had in Fort Lauderdale today. I hope Jim's home. I want to crash.

                    Now the pattern of the lights is all crazy and irregular. I have seen this before(10-19-07  7:09pm). I remember seeing it with my friends in Madison on their back porch. You can't see the light coming from the ground like you usually can with spotlights. The lights are up in the clouds.

     10:48pm  I got home about ten minutes ago and Jim was home. He had to go shit so I haven't told him about my rollercoaster ride today.

Next day..

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