San Antonio, TX

Tuesday April 6, 2004

     8:30am  The next day. Monday, I think. I'm leaving for the day. Man, I am having some good exercise in the mornings. Like three sets of pushups. Ten each. I did my stretches and I'm ready. I'm going. I'm taking off. I got my Willie Nelson shirt on.

                    I got to the Citgo. I'm going to wait for someone with a cigarette.

     8:42am  Maria hooked me up with two cigarettes. I appreciate it, Maria. I only asked for one. Drive carefully, Maria.

                   She was all, "Do you like these?" I told her, "It's all the same nicotine, Maria."

                   I'm going to wait for a bus. Whichever one comes first.

     8:50am  I jumped on the 610. Mr. Perez was driving. I handed him a dollar and said, "Hey, can I get a courtesy ride?" He said, "Sure."

                   You know why I can't be pregidous to ignorant people? Because they can't help not knowing better. It's not their fault that they don't know better. It's the government's. It's money's. People are all brainwashed into thinking they need all this stuff they don't.

                   Just to make money. Don't you see how evil that is?

     9:25am  Mr. Perez has been driving the bus for thirty two years. Damn, he's got a low number, 292.

     10:30am  I'm getting off at the library. I'm going to check my email.

     10:35am  I have a forty minute wait, so forget it. I'm not going to check my email. I'm going to go to the park and spange me up a hotdog. Spare change for a hotdog. I'm hungry.

     10:48am  Chris hooked me up with a cigarette here at the park. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:52am  Steve, not only hooked me up with a cigarette, he gave me a little weed too. I appreciate it, brother. I tried to give him my money but he wouldn't take it. He just got fired from the Hard Rock Cafe. Congratulations, man. You are one step closer to being free.

     11:08am  I'm sitting here at the bus stop smoking weed. This guy tells me, "You should really be careful about that." I told him, "Dude, don't worry about it. I have protection." He said, "Oh, you think? Not in the state of Texas." I said, "Do you want to bet? Call the cops." He said, "No, I'm not calling them. I'm just telling you to be careful." I said, "That's the only way I know how to be." I told him to mind his own business. He kept going, "I was just telling you to be careful." I tell him, "Do you think I don't know to do that?" I told him, "What's life without a little risk? Except boring."

     11:20am  I was walking and this dude Mark came up to me. He told me, "I've met you before." I gave him directions. He said something about smoking and I offered to smoke him out. He was all, "I got some." We're going to go for a walk. Cool.

                      Ian is hooking me up with a cigarette here at the 14 stop. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:00pm  I'm having the greatest time, dude. This guy Mark, who I've told my stories to before, we smoked a bowl over by the highway. We sat down and smoked a bowl. He kicked me down some traveling weed. Dude, he gave me a bus pass! He's leaving and he said he didn't need it anymore. It's barely the start of the month. The universe provides.

                    Thank you so much, Love.

     12:13pm  I walked by the Broadway National Bank. I gave the building the finger, haha. I hope everybody saw me.

                    Oh yeah, be sure to add into Bexar County Jail story, at the end I'll put, "I got some really big balls and I just showed everybody them in Bexar County Jail." Hahaha.

     12:20pm  The guy at the hotdog stand is hooking me up with one for seventy five cents. I appreciate it, brother. I asked him, "Will seventy five cents get me breakfast?" He hooked me up.

     12:25pm  What were you guy's names? The guys giving out free food. I'm just trying to give everybody credit. This one guy started, "I don't have that much time . . ." I cut in with, "You have all the time in the world."

                      I went and got in line at the care center for lunch. I don't see Hervie. I don't know what happened to Hervie. It's some new guy. I told him, "Have I told you what I'm doing? I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read.." He said, "I don't have time for that." I told him, "Man, I'm trying to give you credit." He said, "I don't want my name in no book." I told him, "You can give me a fake one if you want to. I am just trying to prove some stuff right." Damn.

                      Damn the ignorance in this world.

                      I went to the guy and said, "Hey man, I'll trade you one of these for a cigarette." I had a bag of chips and a sandwich. He says, "Man, I just bummed this one." I told him, "Go ahead and keep the sandwich. It's alright."

     12:30pm  Mario, I asked him, "Trade you these bag of chips for a cigarette?" He said, "I'll give you a cigarette, man. Don't worry about it." I appreciate it, brother.

     12:55pm  I had me a great presentation with this one guy in the park. He agreed with everything I said, man. I told him, "Hey man, water my seed. Tell your friends for me." He goes, "You know it, you know it."

     12:57pm  Rick hooked me up with some change for a phone call. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:02pm  I asked this dude Jason sitting down at a bench, "Can you spare a cigarette?" He tells me, "This ain't a cigarette." So I say, "Okay, can I hit it?" He passed it to me quick. I appreciate it, brother.

                    I gave this guy credit and when I went to leave he told me, "Man, I hope you find what you're looking for." I smiled and told him, "I will. Sooner than you think."

     1:05pm  Man, I'm having fun playing with all the animals in the park. I'm playing with these squirrels, chasing them up the trees. I'm scaring the pigeons with my stick.

     1:19pm  I took a picture of all these pigeons in the park. They're beautiful.

     1:22pm  I came over here and talked to Lynn. She's telling me a story about what happened at Marleyfest. Oh yeah, they snuck in. They got in for free. Her and her boyfriend pulled his cellphone out and told the guy, "Oh, we're with the band." They got backstage passes! That's awesome. Score.

     1:30pm  Wynd hooked me up with fifty cents for a phone call. I appreciate it Wynd.

     1:32pm  I just called Jordan's house. Her brother answered and I asked him if he could tell Jordan that Victor called. Oh no, no, wait. Tell her to check her email. He told me, "I don't know where my sister is."

     1:43pm  Ha, these guys just walked up to me and tried to hand me a Jesus pamphlet. I refused and said, "Can I tell you guys a really interesting story?" Once they heard the mission objectives they started walking off. I told them, "You hypocrites. Bible-thumping fools."

                    People need to realize that I am doing the thing that they want to happen, damnit.

     1:46pm  Candace hooked me up with the rest of her cigarette. I appreciate it, Candice. Here at Travis Park.

     1:48pm  These people came up to me and I told them my mission-objectives. They told me, "Yeah, we saw the hat. We were wondering about that." I asked, "Can I tell you guys what I'm doing?" I told them my shit, but they had to catch a bus. I told them, "Victor Antonio from San Antonio. I am San Antonio."

     1:53pm  I had a crazy presentation. This girl wouldn't even look at me in the eye. She got all defensive and said, "Just because I'm not looking you in the eyes . . ." I didn't even bring it up. I told her, "I'm still talking to you, aren't I?" She told me, "Just because I'm not looking you in the eyes doesn't mean anything. I can do two things at once."

     1:55pm  Let's see if the 91 gives me a ride to the hospital.

                    Nope, didn't give me a ride.

                    Oh yeah, I need to check my stash of transfers.

     1:57pm  This guy who doesn't want to give me his name is going to give me shorts on his cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                    At first I asked that guy, "Hey, can you spare a cigarette?" and he just ignored me. I told him, "Hey man, all you gotta do is say no." He all jumped and said, "Oh, I was about to give you shorts." I told him, "Don't worry about it. I'll get a whole one. The universe provides." He said, "I'm not worried about it." He walked off and threw his cigarette on the ground.

     2:09pm  I'm reading this plaque about the father of The Riverwalk. Robert H.H. Hugman. He is the rightly deemed Father of the Riverwalk. I don't have any more pictures, so when I get more I'll come back and take a picture of it.

     2:29pm  I made an appearance in River Center Mall. I'm going to go see the statue of San Antonio again. Let me see if I can bum a cigarette before I do.

                   Jim gave me a cigarette at River Center Mall. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:34pm  I am standing here looking at the statue. When these tourists walked by I said, "Hey, can you guys see the resemblance?" He's got like a beanie on too. Maybe that's his hair. I don't know.

                   Man, I gotta be him.

     2:39pm  This riverboat passed by with a bunch of tourists. When the boat went around and came by the statue the driver was talking on the loudspeaker. He said, "And here is San Antonio. Not the guy, the statue behind him." I smile and yell, "See the resemblance!?" I gave them the peace sign.

     2:41pm  I just had a presentation with these ladies by the statue. They wouldn't listen to me. Afterwards, I told them, "Hey, do you see the resemblance?" They took a picture of me and everything.

     2:45pm  I just had a really good presentation with these two people pushing two strollers with their kids. I gave them my intro and mission-objectives. He laughed when I said I was going to get marijuana legalized. I told them, "Only if you are willing to listen. If not, can I have your email address?" They turned around and walked away. When they walked off I pointed at their strollers and said, "Hey, it's their world I'm trying to save. It's too bad their parents don't give a shit."

                   I see some kids walking by and I said, "Hey, do you have time for a really interesting story?" He hesitated. I said, "I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." He said, "Well, we're in kind of a hurry." I told him, What are you in such a hurry for? Don't you know good things come to those who wait? You have all the time in the world." They said, "We don't," and disappeared.

     3:00pm  Roy hooked me up with a cigarette at 425 East Commerce. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     3:14pm  I came to the Nix to take a piss.

     3:19pm  Joe hooked me up with some change for my hotdog. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:20pm  Pamela and her boyfriend hooked me up with some change for a hotdog. Here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:31pm  Not only did she buy me a hotdog, she gave me two bucks too! Awesome. Kickass.

     3:47pm  Cool, the 92 is going to give me a ride to the library.

     3:48pm  I just got off at the library. The 92 pulled up and I was right at the stop. I asked him, "Hey man, can I get a quick hop to the library. Like a block away? I can walk it if I got to." He told me alright and I got on the bus. I stood there and he didn't leave. I thought maybe he didn't understand that I had asked him for a free ride. I looked at the Transit-Master, the GPS thing and it said he was ten minutes late. I asked him, "Umm, are you waiting for me to pay?" he goes, "Uhh, no, no," and he shuts the door and takes off.

                   Like that block is worth eighty cents.

     3:50pm  I came and I got a ½ hour wait for the Internet. I just went to the bookshelf and grabbed a random book. I saw one that said, "Genius in the sky."

     4:48pm  I'm still in the library. While I was waiting to use the computer I picked a random book off the shelf. I didn't like it. It wasn't too interesting at first. I went to put it back. I turn and I saw another book. It's called, "How to get your E-book published." That's exactly what I need to read. By Richard Curtis. I read the first couple of chapters and it was reinforcing a lot of my beliefs. It got to the part where all it talked about was money. I thought, "Shit, I'm going to put this book back. I'm going to give my stuff away."

     5:37pm  I forgot to tell you. I walked all the way to Travis Park and bought me a hotdog.

     5:52pm  I was walking on The Riverwalk. I see a girl in the parking lot above. She was looking out the window and she sees me and smiles. I ask her, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a cigarette, would you?" She says, "Oh, I'm not old enough." I tell her, "Cool, can I tell you a really interesting story? I just want you to listen." I'm going to walk up there.

     6:06pm  Haha, I told that girl, "Hey, stay there. I'm going to come tell you a story." I just stood there and told her my mission objectives. She told me, "I don't think you're crazy. You're my best friend. I'm a stoner." She's a fourteen year old girl, man. She was all interested and contemplating. She said, "Oh, but that would be illegal." I told her, "Age doesn't mean anything. Experience is what really teaches you."

                   She's pretty cute for a fourteen year old.

                   She had said, "You're twenty six, right?" She was all, "Damn, why do all the good guys have to be older?" Umm, I didn't say anything.

                   Oh yeah, I told that girl, "I have sworn myself to an involuntary vow of celibacy for my mission." She went, "Oh man, I can't believe you'd do that. I can't go for over a week!" Damn, she's fourteen!

                   That girl was born in 1990. Damn, I remember 1990. I was two years younger than her in 1990.

     6:12pm  I was walking by and I asked Matt and Crystal for a smoke. They're sitting outside smoking a cigarette. Matt hooked me up. I appreciate it, guys.

     6:37pm  I came back over and smoked Matt and Crystal out. I asked him, "Hey, can I get a cigarette for the road?" He gave me the rest of his pack! 

     6:45pm  I'm walking down The Riverwalk with Matt and Crystal. This riverboat full of tourists went by. I stuck my thumb out like I was hitchhiking.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I asked this one guy for a cigarette and he told me no. I called him a greedy ass. It was some old dude. I heard him say, "I'm going to stick that stick up your ass." I told him, "Well then do it. Back your shit up. Talk is cheap." He went, "Well, then come over here." I said, "No, make it convenient for me. You come over here."

                   Hehe, right now I saw some people passing overheard and they looked down at me and said, "There he is again." They gave me a peace sign.

     7:21pm  The monkey here selling peace shirts, his name is Elvis. Elvis the monkey.

     7:31pm  Mark hooked me up with some change for a phone call. I appreciate it, Mark. At Travis Park.

     7:58pm  I had a great presentation with these two guys. They saw me at the Marleyfest. I had seen him buying a hotdog and was about to approach him and hit him up for my story. But, he comes up to me and tells me, "So tell me how you're going to save the world. I saw you at the Marleyfest."

                   That's why I was there. To fly that sign.

                    I told him, but his bus came. He was all listening to me. His friend was all interrupting me and asking me shit. I told him, "I take turns. You're making me lose my train of thought."

     8:02pm  I'm on the 92 going to Medical Center.

     8:30pm  I'm still on the 92. I have realized that people who talk to themselves aren't crazy. They're independent. They don't need anyone else to socialize with.

                   Oh yeah, I just trimmed all my email addresses. I'm going to put them up when I get home. I'm on page forty of this book.

     8:35pm  I got off at Sam's apartments, Santa Fe Place. I'm going to go say hi. I'll see if he can download some movies for me.

     8:38pm  I'm leaving to the Pizza Hut to see if they have any mistakes.

     8:40pm  Laura is hooking me up with a buffet! I appreciate it, Laura.

                   That's so awesome I got hooked up with a buffet! I had like four or five slices of pizza and some cinnamon sticks, awesome.

                   For free!

                   I had told her, "Hey, do you have any mistakes?" She said, "Just go grab a plate and have a buffet."

     8:57pm  I just ran into Jim and John. I had met them that night I stole that pocket calendar from Office Depot like over a year ago(4-3-03, paragraph starting with: I left and went back to the 604 bus stop). Before I left to California.

     9:10pm  I'm at University Hospital now.

     9:15pm  I'm going to Wendy's. See, I have a little coupon for a free Frosty.

     9:24pm  I came to Wendy's and got me a little Frosty. A free Frosty. I'm going to walk back and eat it at the hospital.

                   Oh yeah, I kind of decided to go to West at the last minute.

                   I had a great presentation with this guy who works at the Exxon by West. I told him all my stuff and he agreed with me. This girl walks by and says, "Oh, I see you are still planting your seed." She knows what I'm doing.

                   91 to West.

                   Spanking is a scare-tactic.

     10:20pm  I'm here at West. I'm going to go say hi to everybody.

     10:37pm  Alan is hooking me up with a ride to Babcock. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:52pm  I just scored a ride all the way to my mom's house. 

Next day..

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