San Antonio, TX

Friday March 26, 2004

     12:15pm  I woke up at 11:30 this morning. I ate breakfast, took a shower and brushed my teeth. I'm about to head out for my day. I'll take my nature hike to the Walmart.

     1:25pm  I'm going to go see if Dana's home. I'll offer her some cigarettes since I just got a whole pack.

                   Okay, she's not home.

     1:32pm  I'm at the Walmart. I'm going to go and try to find out what the letter of the day is.

                   It's Frank.

     2:29pm  I just got off the 610. This dumbass guy was on there. This punk who works at Jack in the Box and is always talking shit about me. He was all bragging about how he was going to get an additional job. I told him, "Go ahead, work for money. Waste your life away." He was all disagreeing with me and thinking I was crazy. Haha, I'm going to love it when I prove myself right.

                   I just got to the hospital. I was just standing out here and Scott, the guy I just told you about who works at Jack in the Box said, "Hey, do you want a soda?" "Yeah, get me a coke," I told him.

     3:32pm  Scott, of all people was generous enough to buy me a soda. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks for proving me right.

     3:44pm  Downtown. Walk to Travis Park. Spare change for a hotdog.

     4:07pm  I am giving away so many cigarettes. I'm just passing them out to everybody. I didn't pay for them. They're not mine to keep.

     4:23pm  The guy at the hotdog stand is hooking me up. I appreciate it, brother. Ask and thou shall receive.

     5:15pm  There's this dude out here thumping his bible hard and yelling scripture real loud. I went and I showed him my book with all my email addresses and asked him, "What are you doing for world peace?" Haha.

     5:37pm  I had a great presentation with this girl, but her ride came. Dude, she was all interested in the story. She was laughing and everything.

                   Cool, cool.

                   It's going to happen soon.

     5:38pm  Lisa hooked me up with some change for a joint. I appreciate it, Lisa.

     5:40pm  I asked this dude for spare change for a joint and he said, "We'll go get one."

                   Not only did Teo smoke me out, he gave me fifteen cents too. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:09pm  Jim hooked me up with a cigarette in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:19pm  Silver hooked me up with a cigarette. She's already heard my story. I asked her. That's cool. I get around.

     6:27pm  Mr. 6561 hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     6:34pm  I got off at SAC. I'm going to go type my stuff up. I told the driver my platform and he hooked me up with a transfer for the cause. He said, "Ahhh, just one time." I'm going to go see when the library closes and I can see how much I can type up.

                  Oh yeah, I should see if I can talk to this Mr. Badrich guy. Yeah, maybe he's still here. Maybe he'll listen to me.

                  131A if I remember correctly. Gonzales hall.

                  There's nobody here.

     6:42pm  Oh yeah, I ran into some cop. Nobody is there at the school. The cop saw me and I told him, "I'm looking for Mr. Badrich." He asked me if I was a student there and I told him no. He tells me, "Well, the campus is closed." I go, "Oh, that explains it. Is there anywhere I can use a restroom right now?" He told me no and asked me to walk off campus. "Drive carefully," I told him.

     6:54pm  I was walking down this street after the cop ran me out. I was walking and I see these guys doing construction on this nice house close to Woodlawn. I went and told them my story. They all listened to me. Six guys. It was awesome. Oh yeah, and they gave me a beer. I appreciate it, brothers. Bud Light.

     7:00pm  Toro Campos hooked me up with a cigarette and a lighter. That's awesome, I needed a lighter. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That's awesome, those construction workers. Oh yeah, and if I have time I can come tomorrow and help them out. I'll do it for free.

                   It was awesome. When I was walking off I overheard one saying, "Oh, were going to have peace!" That's so awesome. They believed me.

                   The house is at West Craig Place and Belknap.

                   I walked Belknap to Woodlawn and I'm going to turn left and see if Nanos is there. He might be in jail. I'm going to go say hi anyway.

     8:25pm  Matilda hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Matilda.

     8:36pm  Nanos: "Hey Victor, don't forget to tell them I'm from Barrio Kenwood, alright mijita."

     8:42pm  Ruben, the nice bus driver #4975 let me get a transfer for ten cents. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I forgot to tell you. It's just really cool how I got the impulse to get off right there. I got a courtesy ride on the #3, to begin with. Then I got the impulse to get off over by SAC. I Was going to see if I could type my stuff up or to see if Mr. Badrich was there. The campus was closed. I just took off walking. I wanted to see where I ended up. I just walked by the Belknap street and I saw those guys working on the house and I gave them my presentation and they listened. I planted my seed. It was really cool. Oh yeah, then I realized I was close to Nanos' neighborhood. I wasn't sure which one was his house. Then I remembered he had written his address in my little book. His was 817 and I got to the 800's. I totally didn't recognize the area. All of a sudden I see Nanos walking up to me. I talked to him and asked him if he had anything I could grub on. He goes, "Yeah, sure." I helped his neighbor put a big door up. Then he made me this really, really good tuna fish with boiled eggs. It was delicious. I had me three sandwiches and chips. And, to top it off we smoked a big fat joint! He let me keep the roach. I'm still going to go to West Telemarketing and see if I can get my pipe back. I wonder if they'll tell me shit eventually at West. About hanging out. Hell, the only way they could ban me from West grounds is if the buses stop running there. Which will never happen.

                   Anyway, I'm on the #2. Oh, it was cool. My transfer hadn't expired. I'm going to North Star Mall and catch the 534 to Medical Center than catch the 91 to West. And go see if that guy's there and get my pipe back.

     8:55pm  I am here at North Star Mall. I asked this sister for a cigarette and she said, "I have like half a pack of cigarettes. You can have them." I appreciate it, sister. Everybody get credit in my game. Thank you.

     9:07pm  Dude, I just had the best presentation! The girl who ended up giving me her whole pack of cigarettes, in the end she said, "Here, here's some money," and her bus came. She gave me twenty dollars!

     9:09pm  Dude, that was just awesome. I was just telling that lady my story. I didn't ask her for anything. She just said, "Here, here's some money," and she gave me a twenty dollar bill! Thank you, Love. The universe provides.

     9:35pm  I got off on Fredericksburg and Wurzbach. I could've gone all the way to the hospital. I just felt like walking. Maybe I'll walk to West. I don't know. I'll probably get in trouble if I go to West this early.

                   I was able to jump back on the 534.

     9:42pm  What was it? Azimuth? Okay, I'll look that up. I wonder what that is.

     9:54pm  What was your name? I'm talking to Tearza here. I told her my platform and she goes, "Wait a minute, I think you talked to my boyfriend at Jim's. I see you walking around everywhere."

                    I'm everywhere.

                    I am San Antonio.

     10:35pm  Oh yeah, I saw at Eric at the bus stop. I walked up the hill. I went and smoked a cigarette at The Rocks.

     10:50pm  This girl is hooking me up with a pen and giving me her email address. luckyfrog68@aol.com. Now spell your name? Yahira. Alright. Everybody gets credit.

     10:51pm  After I told her my story and Yahira gave me a pen, Jennifer Caine walked up to me and said, "Hey, I saw you a while back. Over by Guilbeau."

     11:09pm  I finally talked to Kevin again and my pipe wasn't in his car. That sucks! That sucks, dude. That means it either fell on the ground when I got out of the car at Bob's house, or I dropped it in the woods by the platform.

     11:26pm  Oh yeah, I got run off by the security guard. I'm going to walk down the hill to the Subway and see if that Cassie or Connie girl who works here, the custodian, see if she's got any weed. I came to the Subway and I saw these two kids talking inside. They go, "Oh, we're closed." I'm just getting some water. I hit them up for a story and they listened to me some, but they had to close up. Anyway, they're done now and I'm going to ask them for a ride to Bob's.

     11:30pm  Morgan and Willie are giving me a ride to Babcock. I appreciate it, guys. From the Subway. Cool, cool.

                      It sucks that I didn't find my pipe. That really sucks.

                      Wait, I got a twenty dollar bill. I'm going to buy a new one!

     12:00am  I'm walking home already. I don't know if I told you, right when I got dropped off at Bob's, I started walking over to his house and I noticed he wasn't home. I saw these two young kids in the driveway at the house next door. I went over there and hit them up for a story. They listened to me. Until about 11:50 and the guy was all, "It's getting late." I got past the spirits though. And I have their email addresses.

                     Okay, I'm at the Exxon. Let me see if I can get a cigarette from somebody.

     12:48am  Dot is hooking me up with two cigarettes! I appreciate it, brother. I just asked for one.

     12:57am  I had a badass presentation with that guy Dot who works at the Exxon too. He agreed with everything I said.

                     That Dot guy told me, "It's very fine what you have planned."

     1:05am  I'm walking home now.

     1:35am  I'm in my mom's house now. Cool. I've been walking my ass off lately.

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