San Antonio, TX

Monday March 8, 2004

     7:45am  The next day. I'm walking to the woods. I ate breakfast and did my Tai-Chi stretches. I'm ready to and have a good day.

     8:06am  Kim hooked me up with two cigarettes. She saw me digging through the ashtray. She honked her car and called me over. She gave me two. I didn't even ask her. I appreciate it, Kim.

                   Oh my gosh, she gave me a whole pack! To the victor go the spoils, man.

                   "Here, I've got a whole carton," she said.

                   Oh yeah, I'm here at the Exxon. I finally got a light. A cop gave me one.

     8:24am  I am leaving the Exxon.

     8:59am  I am already by the antenna already.

     9:02am  Bennie hooked me up with a lighter here in the park over by the antenna.

                   I couldn't tell those guys my story. They were too busy working.

     9:32am  I'm going to stop at Snarlwood and rest my feet.

     9:54am  I'm at the Walmart already. At the Walmart.

                   The letter of the day is Edward. Let's see if I have any E transfers.

                   I have like five E transfers.

                   Oh yeah, I'm going to call Nanos. That gangster dude who I met on Woodlawn. See if he can get me five dollars worth of weed.

     10:07am  Dude, I had this great presentation with this one girl. She had smiled at me real big. I told her a lot and she had to go. I told her the whole thing, except the odyssey story.

                      She agreed with it all.

     10:25am  I saw some VIA guy picking up trash at the transfer center. I offered him a cigarette. I told him, "Here, I want to reward you. Thanks for picking up the trash, man. I appreciate it." He told me, "Ah, I get rewarded by getting paid." I told him, "Hey, can I tell you a story?" He said, "You already told me last time." I told him, "Wups, just in case. I'm still working on it." That's cool, I'm known.

                     That guy told me, "I can't listen to you. I'll get fired."

                     This black dude came up to get on the 609 bus. I told him, "Hey man, have I ever told you my story before?" He looked at me and said, "Yeah." I said, "Just wondering. Just in case."

     11:06am   I just talked to some black dude who had a ganja leaf on his backpack. I went, "Hey, have I ever told you my story before?" He told me yeah! Then he said, "Can I tell you my story?" He starts talking about Jesus and stuff. I said, "Have I ever told you my view on God? I don't believe in God. I believe in Love." I got into my odyssey story and everything. He listened to most of it. I told him, "I am just following signs. My mission is in the best interest of all humanity". Anyway, I'm on the bus, the 610 going to Medical Center.

     11:30am  I told Paul my story. Cool, cool. On the bus. We're here in Medical Center now.

     12:00pm  I'm still here at the hospital and I'm talking to Kassie. I told her my story. She was waiting for the 603 to go to UTSA. When it pulled up I asked her, "Hey, do you mind if I get on the bus and tell you the rest?" She said, "Sure!"

                      Kassie saw me get kicked out of the library at UTSA(2-10-04, 11:29am)! Haha, I'm famous.

     12:54pm  I can't believe it, I'm at UTSA right now. Man, Kassie is this beautiful girl. She's from the East Coast. She told me she would go hiking with me. Ahh, I can't wait.

                     I got her phone number and everything.

                     The 94 guy didn't let me on. Even though I had a "good" transfer, hehe. He said, "Oh no, it's eighty cents more. This is express."

     1:20pm  Back at the hospital. I got my platform out to some girl at the bus stop. Awesome, awesome.

     1:22pm  I went to the bathroom and asked the kid in there if I could tell him a story. He told me, "Oh, you've already told me a story about three weeks ago." Haha. I was all, "Just checkin', man. Just in case."

                   Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm on the 609 going back to the Walmart.

     1:52pm  Tj hooked me up with fifteen cents for a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:59pm  Oh yeah, I got off the 609 right before it turned on Huebner. I'm going to catch the 88 downtown and score some weed.

                    I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but I give everyone the peace sign. Every single car that passes while I'm at a bus stop. The traffic is all heavy right now. Awesome.

     2:17pm  I tried telling all these workers here my story. They wouldn't listen to me.

     2:25pm  I'm on the 88 going downtown.

     2:40pm  I saw some other guy get on the bus with a walking stick. I figured I'd tell him my story. When I asked him if I could tell him he told me, "Oh, I'm going home. I'm busy." He wasn't doing shit but just sitting there. I asked him, "Have you always been that ignorant?"

     3:14pm  I just got off the bus. I'm going to walk to the park and buy a hotdog. I have five dollars. I'll use three for weed. Ask somebody to fill my bowl for me.

     3:32pm  That sucks. I was aiming my imaginary story-detector, homing in on some prey. I see these two kids with rolls and blankets and stuff. I hit them up for my story. I got to the part where I say my mission objectives and I said, "I will tell you exactly how I plan to do this if you are willing to listen. And only then. I hate wasting my time." They told me, "Oh, well you're kind of wasting our time now," and walked off. I had been telling them, "I really need to find people who will listen to me. I have some really important things to say." They had all started laughing at me. Dumbasses.

     3:47pm  I came over here and spotted these most adorable dog. I walked up to the people. Right when I got there, the dog ran up to me! He's all playing with the tennis ball on the stick. Like all the dogs in Arcata would.

     3:52pm  That dog's name is Smokey. He's so cute. He looks like a Smokey.

     4:25pm  I had a good 4:20. I'm telling Johnson my story and he digs it.

     4:26pm  Some guy just came and offered to smoke me out! He dropped his lighter when he was walking off. I couldn't get his attention because he had his headphones on. Umm, I was meant to have that lighter. I don't have a lighter. Wait, I have that Player/Hater lighter still. I've been saving that one in case I lost my lighter.

     4:50pm  What was your name again? Matthew asked me if I wanted to learn some martial arts. Sure! He said he's going to teach me some kickboxing. I have been waiting for this resource to fall in my lap. If you can teach it, I can learn it.

     5:27pm  I had a great presentation with some guy at the bus stop. He had a Radiohead shirt on.

     5:37pm  I told my story to another person. I'm having a good, productive day in Travis Park today. I'm going to walk to Rivercenter Mall and go to the GAP and see how much new shorts are. Mine are about to die.

     5:42pm  Ahh, I'll find the mall on The Riverwalk. I saw these two guys sit down and they were going to smoke something. I walked up and said, "Hey, can I tell you guys a really interesting story?" One of the guys said, "I've already heard if before."

                   Damnit, I gotta go back. I have to go up to street level to go over the bridge to get on the other side of the river. Crossed Houston Street to get over theriver.

                   I crossed some bridge and a girl looked at me. I'm going to go tell her my story.

     5:53pm  That girl wouldn't listen to me.

     6:17pm  Some guy just came up to me on The Riverwalk. I told him what I was doing, my plan. He's going to Rivercenter Mall too. I'll just follow him. I'm going to go price my shorts.

     6:34pm  I just ran into these kids. They were walking behind me and told me, "Hey, cool pants." I'm going to tell them my story.

                   Oh yeah, those dudes I just talked to, I couldn't get their email addresses. They told me, "Yeah, we see you around everywhere!"

     6:50pm  I just had the greatest idea. One of these days I'm going to go hit up the IMAX for a free movie. That'd be awesome. It's like a five-story screen.

     6:55pm  I'm going to tell this cop in front of the Alamo my story.

     6:56pm  I asked the pig what he thought the world's greatest problem was and he said, "You tell me." I told him, "I say it's ignorance." Just then he copped a major attitude and yelled, "This is state property. Get off the property. Get off the property!" I should've asked him if he'd always been that ignorant, but umm, he's a cop. I know the answer to that question.

                   I told that cop, "What happened to my freedom of speech?" He told me, "You can go practice your freedom of speech over there. Get off the property."

                   I told that cop, "If you don't want to listen to me all you have to do is tell me. I wouldn't keep going." Pussy.

                   Nobody wants to hear the truth.

     7:02pm  Jess hooked me up with a cigarette over by the Burlington Bridge, by The Riverwalk.

                    I asked her if she wanted to hear my story and she said, "No, not really."

     7:05pm  Damnit, some bird just shit on my shoulder on the corner of Presa and Crockett.

     7:19pm  Haha, I had a hilarious presentation. I all told these two girls and they started telling me off. Saying, "Oh no, it's never going to happen blah, blah, blah." They were listening at first. One asked me, "How old do you think we are?" I told them, "Early thirties maybe?" They laughed at me and said, "You're right. We do think you're crazy." I told them, "Good, I have you both wrapped around my little finger. Do exactly what I want you to." They walked off.

                    Ha, that was cool.

                    It doesn't matter how old they are. I'll talk to them anyway.

                    Oh yeah, they didn't have my shorts at the GAP here. That sucks. I just want Standard Cargo's.

     7:25pm  Crystal hooked me up with a cigarette here downtown. Thanks a lot, Crystal.

     7:38pm  I followed my sign, my command to the Hard Rock Cafe. I'm talking to the guy at the door. When I first got here I told him, "I am just following my command that's spinning around the roof of your cafe." He knew exactly what I meant. He loved my stuff. Duty called him for a bit, but he said he'd be right back.

     7:48pm  That guy came out again and I continued from where I left off.

     7:50pm  I blew that guy's mind! He had to go back to work though. Sweet, I told him all my ending scripts. Like I asked him to think I was crazy and he said, "Why would I think you're crazy?! I got faith in you!" I smiled and told him. "As much as I want people to think I'm crazy, I value the ones that don't even more. So thank you."

                    I was all looking for Travis Park. It's right behind me, duh.

                    I had a great presentation on the bus. Some guy listened to me all the way through.

     9:30pm  Oh yeah, I got on the bus to finish the rest of my story with this one guy. The 92 pulled up and my good friend Renee was driving! I thought, "Cool, I'm going to get a ride for sure." She hooked me up with a transfer too.

                   Oh yeah, Renee just reminded me, "Oh, you're not going to Whataburger today?" I think, "Oh yeah! I can try and get some food. Awesome."

     9:36pm  I'm going to walk to Whataburger and get hooked up. I'll tell Sean, "Hey man, I've been talking to people like crazy. I even ran into tons of people that have told me they've already heard my story. Don't suppose you could grant me a reward?"

     9:44pm  My friend Sean isn't there. Hmm. Oh yeah, Blanco's Mexican Restaurant. I can score there.

                   I went to Papa John's and asked them if they had any mistakes they could hook me up with. Blanco's is closed.

     9:47pm  I walked into Papa John's and asked if they had any mistakes. They told me not right now. But, I gave the manager working my intro. She didn't have time to listen because she was working. I got to ask her to think I'm crazy though.

     9:54pm  I had a good presentation with one of the drivers. He didn't have time for the whole story. He said, "All I want is peace." I told him, "We'll get it soon."

     9:56pm  That sucks, no food in Medical Center. I'm going to wait for the 92.

     10:00pm  The 92 pulled up and I got on and Mr. Trinidad was driving. First thing he told me was, "If you ain't got no money you can't get on." I told him, "Fine, I'll just walk to the hospital and somebody will hook me up."

     10:02pm  I asked the next bus that came if he would hook me up with a transfer and he was all, "I knew you were going to do that. You need to get a job." I told him, "I've got a full-time job. I don't get days off. It is my job to make humans elite. This species ain't your fucking industry." He said, "Excuse me?" I told him again. He just chuckled and laughed.

                     Found me a transfer on the ground. Right in front of that driver, haha. Let me add it to the collection.

     10:30pm  Dude, I just had me a really interesting conversation with this Vietnam vet at the hospital. He has his left leg amputated. He wouldn't listen to me that much, but I was able to get some of my scripture in once in a while. I am just having the greatest day.

                     His name is Steel Will

     10:57pm  I'm on the last 91 going to West. I'm going to walk home. Seven miles.

                     Oh yeah, I was talking to that Vietnam vet guy and just blowing his mind.

     11:06pm  Dude, this is awesome. This guy jumped on the bus. He had a big beard on and looked like Jesus. He walked by and said, "Hey, what's going on?" and taps me on the shoulder. It's this guy I've talked to before. He told me, "I pray for you, brother. I tell everybody about you and they pray for you too." Planting the seed. Watching it grow.

                      I stayed on the bus after West.

                      I got off on Wurzbach and I'm going to walk to IHOP and see if I can get hooked up. I forgot what the girl's name was. She told me she would feed me. I'm going to use the phone here at West and call my mom. She's going to get pissed.

     11:17pm  I just walked by Tiffany's Cabaret. I saw some guy working on the Marquee. I asked him, "Hey man, you're the guy I gave a cigarette to that one night(1-23-04, 11:39pm), right?" He said yeah. I asked him, "Wouldn't happen to have a spare one?" He said he didn't. I told him thanks anyway. As long as he knows I am still working on it.

     11:30pm  I had a good presentation with this dude. He had been riding the bus before. He told me, "Oh yeah, I saw you earlier and noticed you had good diction." He was complimenting me on how I was talking earlier on the bus. He said, "Are you following me?" I told him, "No, I'm walking to IHOP." I hit him up for the story while we were walking and he said sure. Hell, I don't even know the manager's name at the IHOP or even if she's there.

     11:51pm  Not only is Dimaggio, the manager here at the IHOP listening to my story, he just gave me a cigarette. Awesome, I appreciate it, brother.

Next day..

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